
All About Build_assets

Build_assets's picture
About Me: 

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote

Investing in Real Estae

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 47 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 47 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 4 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 5 weeks ago

Basic Info

IT Consultant and Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Madison's picture

Hey Jason,

Welcome to the DG Family! You are going to be so impressed with the people on this site!

If you have a question, someone will have an answer for you.

I have only been on here for 1 month, and because of the people here, I am so close to closing my first deal! Amazing!

Let me tell you, if it wasn't for this family, I would not have been able to come this far in such a short time.

You've made a great choice and I wish you much success in your future of REI!


Hi Kelly

Build_assets's picture

Thanks for the reponse. Yes, this site has many people who are out there doing it and I really like the site here. This has been one of the best sites that I have seen so far.


looking for some help

I(we) have recently been in some very bad dire situations. I have only now been able to really look at this again. Our economics are really bad, I need to find investors because there isn't anyway that we could consider or would any financial organization consider lending us money right now. I could sure use a few nice words.

looking for some help

I(we) have recently been in some very bad dire situations. I have only now been able to really look at this again. Our economics are really bad, I need to find investors because there isn't anyway that we could consider or would any financial organization consider lending us money right now. I could sure use a few nice words.


Build_assets's picture

Just hang in there and do all you can to absorb the material in Deans book. Go out there and find a FSBO and offer 30-40% below of what they are asking and sign the contract and find a buyer for it. That's what I am trying to do. Unfortunately, I hate to say this but real estate has put me more in debt. I own 6 properties, but with the taxes, repairs and cash flow I am losing money each month. But I have never tried assigning contracts and that is the only thing I want to do at this point.



Elena M's picture

Jason's right, go out and find a motivated seller, build rapport with him and make him a reasonable offer based on what it needs in repairs and the comps. Then flip the contract to an end buyer. You're in and out with NO money or credit. That's the BEST way to start REI.

Good luck and God bless,


Fox Holow


I see that you're an investor for Fox Hollow. If you dont mind me asking, what exactly do you do for them? How did you get involved with their company? The reason I'm asking is because I would love to get involved with someting like that as well. If you could give me a little intel on what it is that you do for them etc.. I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch

Re:Fox Hollow

Build_assets's picture

Yes, that's correct

Fox Hollow

vchann247's picture

Hi Jason,

Did you design the "Fox Hollow" website? It looks pretty good.



Build_assets's picture

Thanks.I designed some of the pages. I plan to add more to it, maybe even video.


Rina's picture

I just browsed through your site. It's very good! Nice job on the rehabs, too!

Is there more info on the properties?


Thanks for the journal post

moonbeam101's picture

Just a quick thanks for reading and making a comment on my journal. I just finished my entry for today. Check it out sometime.

How are those deals?

moonbeam101's picture


Just interested in what's going on with the 66 deals you had this week so far? Right now I have more buyers than sellers. I want it that way (somewhat) but I have to make more contacts with the home owners. I'm dealing with abandoned homes and the owners are hard to contact. Finding their info is easy, but making the contact is the hard part. Most of the times abandon homes are owned by older people and they usually don't have an answering machine or voicemail. The phone just rings and rings. I guess I'll have to go to the address and try to meet them that way. But until then keep up the good work.


Build_assets's picture

It's going well. These are all foreclosures so sometimes it takes time just for a response.

That's great that you have more buyers than sellers. You are in an excellent situation. You shold start putting in offers immediately.

your contracts

Hi Jason,

Would you be able to PM me with the stipulations you put on your contract. i am trying to simplify what to put in the "additional comments" in all of my offers to make sure that I am covered until the closing for earnest, inspection, etc... or maybe you could direct me to some example contracts if they have them on this site. So far I have just been able to find the forms but non of them are filled out with examples. Thanks for your help,

Nice Quote

ZellnerInc's picture

I like quote Mr Hill is a grate to study.

Hey Jason

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

on Chapter 14 in " BARM "

"Leverage is an asset"

were it says you can offer something to the seller then there's four suggestions listed.

The First one, is that just for the Realtor representing the seller?

buyers list

ray_2's picture

whats the best way to build a buyers list?

Buyers list

Build_assets's picture

The quickest way to build a buyers list is to go to all the real estate investing club meetings in your area. Also another way is to post ads on craigslist asking for buyers.

do u buy houses in PA?

HenRealty's picture

Do u buy properties in PA? If so I will let you know when I have something good

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.


Property Manager wanted in Kansas city MO

silasenterprisesLLC's picture

I noticed you are station in Kansas city, I currently looking for a good property manager, for a property that I own in that state,can you help?

I Am Back

Build_assets's picture

I am now back. It's been a long time since I been on this site. With all my experiences I could write a book for sure.

VA Information

Hi Jason,
We are interested in the information for a VA. We have the script for them to use, its just there are so many numbers to get through. If you could send us the information for the website,it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Chuck and Terri Jones
mobile phone 530-718-9896