
All About Arodriguez3322

Arodriguez3322's picture
Alex Rodriguez
Salem, MA

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 50 weeks ago
free absentee owners list 25 people:-Update Sac-townsFinest5512 years 28 weeks ago
Anyone else on here an agent? drewcolo1012 years 30 weeks ago
dpuzo's journal dpuzo8213 years 5 weeks ago
bulk REO pools available wholesaleproperties1613 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Arodriguez3322's picture

My name's Alex Rodriguez and no I'm not a Yankees fan. I'm actually from a town 15 minutes outside of Boston. I recently turned 21 and have been studying Real Estate in school along with Dean's books

Anyways, I kno im young and currently lack the potential to buy properties on my own. This is why I plan on assigning deals or birdogging, and most importanty networking with experienced local investors. I currently have an internship with a property management company and plan on recieving my real estate license before the summer is over (plan on becoming a part-time leasing agent). So as you see, I'm dedicated to the Real Estate Industry and love everything it has to offer.

I honestly know that I will build a financial empire through real estate and be able to live life the way others never dreamed possible. I even convinced a friend to partner with me and plan on having fun throughout the process. I truely believe that success is possible for anyone who never gives up. So keep at it and try to have fun while doing it. There's nothing to lose!

(No subject)

I could definately see that

Arodriguez3322's picture

I could definately see that happening. Pretty cool, I'm from Salem, about 25-30 minutes away. I suggest you become a member at the Re Investor club in Waltham, it's a huge network. I've only been to the one in peabody.

For young guys like us, the best step is to find local experienced investors with the cash to back it up. Once they see how motivated we are and bring them a couple deals, they'll be begging us to be our mentors. Since I'm in it for the long term, I see great mentors to be much more valuable than quick profits or trying to do it yourself. Another reason is to find the criteria for an investment grade home in our areas. That way, when we're looking for deals, we'll know right away when we've found one.

Anyways, you probably know all this. I just wanted to let you know what's on my mind. Good luck with everything, and most of all take action now and be persistant. People wish they were as young as we are when they first got starting in real estate investing.

I could definately see that

Arodriguez3322's picture

I could definately see that happening. Pretty cool, I'm from Salem, about 25-30 minutes away. I suggest you become a member at the Re Investor club in Waltham, it's a huge network. I've only been to the one in peabody.

For young guys like us, the best step is to find local experienced investors with the cash to back it up. Once they see how motivated we are and bring them a couple deals, they'll be begging us to be our mentors. Since I'm in it for the long term, I see great mentors to be much more valuable than quick profits or trying to do it yourself. Another reason is to find the criteria for an investment grade home in our areas. That way, when we're looking for deals, we'll know right away when we've found one.

Anyways, you probably know all this. I just wanted to let you know what's on my mind. Good luck with everything, and most of all take action now and be persistant. People wish they were as young as we are when they first got starting in real estate investing.


Rina's picture

Congratulations again on winning Dean's SPIFF scholarship today! Of course, I had to come and read up on you. Eye-wink
Very cool to read how you and your partner Steve ended up meeting on the site, and how much you've done toward your REI since joining the DG Family a year ago (ALONG WITH going to college and interning!). Great job putting your heart into it! I wish you all the best, and am excited to see all that your future holds. Like you said in your post on the SPIFF thread, you expect the best, and are willing to give your best. It's a great way to believe, and is the reason, I'm sure, that you have/will overcome any obstacles life gives you. I love that you're a newbie with heart!
God bless you, young friend. Will be watching your journal and cheering you on, along with the rest of the DG Family! Smiling

God bless,


Congrats Alex

Rich2000's picture

Hey Alex just droppin in to say congrats on winning the scholarship. Can't wait to hear about your first deal.



Congratulations Alex on winning the scholarship and hope it all works out for you. I'm just the next city over from you Lynn,Ma. and if threre is anything we could work on together and help each other out let me know.

John Lewis


shanemyko's picture

Congratulations!!! I hope you have a great thanksgiving and that next year you have SEVERAL deals under you belt!!!
Shane Weller


gladia1985's picture

At 21, I had a baby girl, the sweetest and most wonderful gift, I am now only 24 years old, married and with my second child. I am in school studying nursing, as well as doing this real estate business on the side. I want you to take full advantage of this opportunity, because this would be my key to success as well.

I am so happy for you and I want you to share everything you learn with us.

May you be filled with all your hearts desire.

God bless



bombercpa's picture

What is up Alex? How have you been?

First off you can see how far back I'm on things to be congratulating you now for winning. You truly deserve it and I know that you and Steve will definately thrive on it. It's nice to see a few of us guys that came in together and corresponded finally making a difference.

I'm definately still in the game but have had to really focus on my life for awhile,if you know what I mean. Plus I'm in the middle of tax season, so being a CPA, it doesn't leave much time for anything else when all I'm doing is preparing tax returns! Let me know if you or Steve may need some help with that stuff by the way!

Anyway, just wanted to touch base and wish you the best. Let me know how it's all going or better yet, give me a call when you have some time. If you can call, let me know and I'll send you a PM with the number.

Take care buddy & definately tell Steve I said hello!

Robert Burkett

Hey there!

mariel's picture

Just looking for some mentors. Been reading your profile. How are you?

Doing great!! Hope you are

Arodriguez3322's picture

Doing great!! Hope you are as well

Seeking your Section 8 Advice

LadyHarris8's picture

Hi Alex,

So far, your the only person to come close with the knowledge as to what I am now facing.

Do you have any advice/tips to offer me regarding my post of yesterday? Would your concept also work here in Southern California? See Post below:

Considering I am new to RE, by word of
mouth I now have Section 8 Renters (high end). My question is how can I turn this scenerio around to earn a one month rental rate Finder's Fee. What is the process?


If ye have Faith....then noting shall be impossible

unto you. Matt. 17:20

