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Pre-recorded messages
How effective is this for just a few rental houses? I'm not sure if this is economically feesable for a small rental business.
There are a variety of
There are a variety of messaging systems. I have used "E-voice" at one time. It is only about $8/month I think.
title search
I just finished the book and am still not comfortable with title searches??
Is this something I can do myself or can it be done by a lawyer only??
You can generally do it
You can generally do it yourself providing you have access to the records in your county. You can also pay for it online. Some have monthly fees for unlimited searches and some offer flat per search fees. You can usually do most of the legwork for free yourself, and when you find a suitable investment you will be moving forward with, then pay the small fee to have a professional title search done. You generally do this with a title company anyways before you sign the docs.