Think a Little Different


Hello Everyone,
I ordered the "Think A Little Different" package on 12/8/08 through this website and PayPal. I have not received the package as As of 1/5/09. I have called the customer service number but nobody answers the calls. I have left messages and sent e-mails, but nobody responds. I'm frustrated. Is this for real or a scam?
What are your suggestions?

Access To Other's


I just wanted to jump in and say hello to all! I am a member of Dean's Success Team and would like to invite anyone to take advantage of his coaching program through P.M.I. It's changed my life and now I spend my days introducing others to this wonderful program. It has changed the lives of so many people!

If you are serious about using our system to change your life, drop me a private message and let's begin!

Yay!!! I got the TALD System today!

Finally, after 2 weeks of constantly checking the mailbox it finally came in the mail!

Member Access

I have recently purchased the TALD products and I have recieve them, but I am having a very difficulty time finding my information to obtain my member access.

I am also having a hard time getting a hold of a rep on the phone to purchase the book. I keep leaving message and have yet to get a call return. This is getting really agrevating. Please advise.


I called in the number in the back of the "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" book and was asking a consultant about some resources to help me out of a personal real estate situation and he transferred me to another representative who wanted to get me started in a 6 month training program to get me on track to start making money ASAP. I love the idea but am concerned that 1) this is not a legitimate DG program, 2) that I will get deeper into debt w/o a return of/on investment guarantee 3) that this is not the right solution to get me started.

Impatiently Waiting

Just curious as to what I should be doing while I wait on the coarse to get here. I have been looking at the digital kit, but then I also see it has what I am to being doing all the way through day 30. Just wondering, can I go any faster than that? Is there something I could be doing to better my knowledge on it so I can get a head start before it gets here? I constantly read the message boards and all of that, and have learned a great deal from them already. But is there something that will help me start a little faster?

Think a Little Different

I am just curious how people are doing with this course as of now. There has not been any recent post's in this forum, so I am wondering if I am just in the wrong place or what. I just ordered the course for my wife and I, and I am very eager about getting involved. My wife is actually going to be the one that is going to dig head first, while I hold down the financial strain of a J O B. Any starter tips would be very much appreciated.

By the way, does anyone have anything to do with the TALD course, or has everyone just ordered the book? Just curiuos.

Rent to sell

Living in the bay area has made it impossible for me to own my own home. I don't make anywhere near enough for a mortgage, so I rent.
It kills me not to be able to remodel the house I live in as I have had access to all sorts of free building material over the years. I could, but why would I waste my time and money, right?

So today I had an idea, sorry if it's already been presented. I'm sure Dean has already thought about it.

Anyway, what if I enter into a lease option, with the option to re assign. Then Fix it up. Mostly cosmetic. I wont be spending lots of money.

Pretty Amazing and I like Dean's Giver and Taker Slogan - Very true!!!

Thank you for welcoming me to the first (I think) webinar tonight. I was overwhelmed by the genuineness of Dean's desire to help newbies like me. Anita's story is awe inspiring also. I hope that very soon, I can also be a testament to Dean's great effort to help other would be investors.

I am particularly inspired by your invite to join the mentorship program even as newbie's like me are trying to keep body and soul together and, at this time, do not have two nickels to rub.

'Be a Real Estate Millionaire' and 'Think a Little Different'?

How many of you are using both 'Be a Real Estate Millionaire' and 'Think a Little Different'?

I need to know if I have to purchase both to make a go of this. I have the book and have been looking at the 'Think a Little Different' system.
I know there are many top users who seem to be progressing so fast and I need to know if you use both systems to move ahead as you all are? And how are the tutoring programs going for those who are taking them?
Thanks for any info you can spare.

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