How many of you are using both 'Be a Real Estate Millionaire' and 'Think a Little Different'?
I need to know if I have to purchase both to make a go of this. I have the book and have been looking at the 'Think a Little Different' system.
I know there are many top users who seem to be progressing so fast and I need to know if you use both systems to move ahead as you all are? And how are the tutoring programs going for those who are taking them?
Thanks for any info you can spare.
I appreciate your support. I keep in keeping on even when faced with all the discouraging stuff. I get so lost in the maze at times.
Can you tell me please; once the property has gone to forcloseure auction, is there nothing you can? I mean can you approach the owner or the lender at this stage or is it too late?
My real estate agent tells me to approach the owner, but I thought it was out of your hands once it was up for auction?
I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
Until the actual auction, the owner still has control of the property. If you are wanting to negotiate a short sale, you would need to deal with the bank. You can not deal with the bank, on a short sale without going through the owner. Once the auction is over, whoever bid the highest, is now the owner. There is a period of time, that the original owner can still pay all the costs, and regain ownership. Once this time period is over, the high bidder has ownership of the property.
Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw