Think a Little Different

Join Dean's Success Academy! - Member transfer offer

I joined Dean's Success Academy a little while back and have had success with their coaches and great resources. I started a new sales career that will not allow me to finish the program in the alloted time but I still plan on using what I have learned and the coaching program in the next year.

I was told by PMI that I could pass a savings along to another member of Dean's Program that would like me to transfer my membership to the new student/investor. I paid over $7000 for the material and courses and was told by PMI that I could transfer to a new member and they would get the entire program as new at a great discount being that I can't utilize it the way I have been in the past. I would love to see someone get the enjoyment and knowledge I did at a much lower cost.


There's no doubt in my mind that the internet is the way to research and advertise no matter what business you are in. While reading through one of DG's courses, I seem to remember seeing a number where you can have the DG team help set up an investor's web page for you. Has anyone used this service and if so, would you please provide me the information to help get mine set up?

Submitting your own offers by being your own agent..??

Hi Dean,

I finally did it, I've been reading so many comments and suggestions and success stories. I had been looking for a good friend of mine that I presume is still a real estate agent since I graduated ITT Technical Institute in 2006. But came to realize that if there is one person you can believe in, is yourself, so why not become a real estate agent and use Dean's techniques when you are licensed. So, starting June 1, 2010 till July 1, 2010 I will be attending The Real Estate School of Michigan and after passing take the state exam for licencing. Become your own agent and submit the multiple offers, what a great idea, and I can help others submit their offers also, win win win.

Best regards,
Gandy Kachucha

Something from Nothing.

I told this story before in reply to a post, but I believe it needs repeated here. I was from the "Big City"... I loved to get-away & camp & hunt & fish...I was basically run over while riding my motorcycle, long to short of it is, I took $12,500 of that money & bought 80 acres w/legal access & some trees from an owner who would have took a down pymnt. & monthly payments of a few hundered on a simple land contract. Now I'm not Mr. RE, but when I came back from camping & showed the video I took of my new property to my city my amazement, and even though they had no idea what I had payed for it... they were clammering to "Buy some camping Land too!" Well 1 of them had this monster truck,(I mean built to the hilt, 50K invested in it) that he got at a police auction a few yrs.

Books...DVD's...Where to begin?

From what I have read, it looks like all of Dean's products and tools are great. I get the feeling that he puts his heart and soul into his teachings and he truly does want ALL of his students to achieve success beyond their wildest dreams. I just acquired the "Think a Little Different" program and the "Gain the Edge 2009" DVD set. This evening I ordered Dean's newest book. Although I am looking forward to reading, watching and absorbing everything, what do you experienced Graziosi-ites recommend that I begin with? I know that my success will depend on the work that I put in to my investment business, but which of the tools will get me on the fast track to success? I'm not looking for a quick fix or any short cuts, just a suggestion on where to begin.

How do you get ahead when your in foreclosure yourself?

I am a newbie and received my book just a couple days ago.I do have some fear but I believe my determination to get ahead is much stronger. My situation is a lil different,I am currently in foreclosure right now due to seperation in my marriage and my husband had stopped paying the mortgage a year ago. Our dream was always to get in real estate investing since he was a great handyman but never did I think I would end up losing my own home. I am currently still in the house with a sale date set for Feb 17th.Its a great loss for me and my kids but I am more determined than ever to get ahead. Does anyone have advice on how I can get on track even if I myself is in foreclosure? I am a true believer in all things are possible with God I just need some direction.

My real estate agent.

I met my real estate agent about a month ago after i finished Dean's book and jumped to work. My agent showed me few houses and i made an offer on three of them. I lost the two but i am still waiting for the third one. I hope i will get it. To make my story short, I had a call from my agent today after i had called him for 5 days and ignored my phone call. My agent said that he is not willing to work with me because i have great ideas in real estate so instead of being my agent, he wanted to be my partner. There is no problem with partnering with this agent except that he was making fun of me when the first time i told him i am an investor wanting to invest on properties. Besides, he doesn't have any money that i have. What do you think? Should i be his partner?

My real estate agent.

I met my real estate agent about a month ago after i finished Dean's book and jumped to work. My agent showed me few houses and i made an offer on three of them. I lost the two but i am still waiting for the third one. I hope i will get it. To make my story short, I had a call from my agent today after i had called him for 5 days and ignored my phone call. My agent said that he is not willing to work with me because i have great ideas in real estate so instead of being my agent, he wanted to be my partner. There is no problem with partnering with this agent except that he was making fun of me when the first time i told him i am an investor wanting to invest on properties. Besides, he doesn't have any money that i have. What do you think? Should i be his partner?

Partners Can Be A Blessing

I am beginning my real estate business. I decided on real estate through my intuition steeped in my business background. I set my sights far out into the future. I first determined my mission, vision, and values for my life, which for me took nearly three to four years to write, and I continue to refine it and add to it as I gain deeper insight into my purpose. After, I determined my primary aim for my personal life, I determined my strategic objective for how I wanted my business to look when it’s finished.

Use the HUD Website for Locating Investors for Your Buyer's List

Here is how to build a list of buyers ultra fast and systemetize a growing list of buyers.

Okay, go to the HUD website for your state. The HUD's website link:

1. Now find the Bid Statistics section hyperlink and select your city. Hit the search button.

2. Now you are looking at the HUD homes autioned off or still available. You want to find homes that have had offers accepted. Take down or copy and paste the address and date into your tentative buyer's list.

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