Real Estate News

Second Wave of Foreclosures

If you missed 60 Minutes Sunday night check out the news about the next wave of foreclosures.

Todays Real Estate Market

I have read Deans book and am very motivated to get started into this investor business but I am very concerned about the timing. Just wondering what everyone thinks about just starting out in this REI business with everything that is currently going down on Wall Street. Will there be any money to loan out there?

10 Fastest-Growing Real Estate Markets

10 Fastest-Growing Real Estate Markets
By Money Staff,
Jun 9th, 2008

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The housing implosion is nowhere near over. In 75 of the 100 top U.S. cities, prices are expected to fall in the next 12 months according to Fiserv Lending Solutions.

The S&P Case/Shiller Home Price Index, which tracks 20 of the largest housing markets, showed prices plummeting by 12.7% in the 12 months ending February. That's the biggest fall since the index began tracking prices in 2000.

Arizona state housing market to hit its lowest point in November or December of this year, and will not recover fully until 2014

I have been reading news in the Sierra Vista Herald for June 6th 2008 and at a recent meeting to discuss economic issues and growth in Benson Arizona (close to where I live) This is part of what was said by Arizona Treasurer Dean Martin, who was a guest speaker at the event,

Dean Martin - Arizona Treasurer wrote:
In speaking to the audience, which included municipal and elected officials from all over the county, Martin said Arizona is facing a lot of problems, comparing the state and national economy to a roller coaster.

The Mortgage Marketplace

As a result of the federal government's 2008 Economic Stimulus Act, the limits on conforming mortgages eligible for purchase or guarantee by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have increased in certain high-cost areas. New limits range from $417,000 to $729,750, depending on location. In Los Angeles county, the new limit is $729,750. For borrowers who live in these high-cost areas, this means that rates and availability on higher-end loans that were once hard to get are now more accessible.

Areas like Los Angles, for one.

5 Rules For Home Buyers

(Money Magazine) -- There's no telling how long the housing crisis will drag on. Here's what you need to know before you start shopping in a rocky market.
Rule 1: You can't time the bottom

Face it: The house you buy today will more than likely be worth less next year. That could get you thinking about trying to time the bottom. Resist. It's harder to do than you think, and this is the best buyers have had it in two decades, with inventories up and mortgage rates low.

Take a look at!

There are some interesting articles in the RE section; Places to live - Top 100 and why.

Also Where homes are affordable, there are 50 listed. These are based on 2006 but they tell you the Median family income and the medium house prices for that area. Very surprising in many cases!

There are some other articles of interest as well; Where the jobs are , 25 top-earning towns and Where the singles are. Hmmmmmmm........

At this location:

Homeowners react to falling real estate values

I found this article in The Boston Globe real estate section and it was also published by Yahoo real estate:

Five Cities With Biggest Decline In Home Values

Per Yahoo Real Estate:

With home values continuing to plummet across the country, it's become clear that the real estate meltdown is far from over.

Values for single-family homes in 14 major U.S. cities posted double-digit declines from their respective peaks, according to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, which tracks prices of single-family homes. On a national level, home values are down 12% since December 2006. And according to Beth Ann Bovino, a senior economist at Standard & Poor's, they could drop another 10% by the end of the year.

Gas prices help market?

I'm writing a little forum about one of those annoying little things that we all hear about everyday and I persnally get tired of it. But, I thought of something tonight. Before gas started going up like it is, it was worth it for people to drive to work because the cost of living was so much cheaper than where the may work, like the bigger metropolitan areas. I heard a little rumor tonight that gas may be $7/gal by the end of the summer (I say that not as a topic to talk about, keep the big picture in mind), and if it does how will this affect the real estate market.

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