home sales drop

home sales drop

home sales have dropped 33%according to the report today. I am going to talk to my real estate agent tomorrow she understands exactly what I want to do, from her I plan on getting the rest of my team together through her all I did was ask one lady if she knew a good real estate lady this lady has been doing this for a while and asked me if I need investors. also deans new program through usbs sent me my forms for my llc they went in. they are going to start to build credit on my llc. and I have a house that I know is a pre forclosure and I will be putting in a bid before it goes to foreclosure stating reasons why my bid is going to be low. also the real estate lady said she has properties that come in and can let me know before they go on the mls.edge 2010 was the catalyst i needed to take action. As you can problably tell I am rambling but with the knowledge and a clear direction this removes any fear(false evidence affecting results)I also am having my real eatate lady find all sales in the last 90 days so I can #1find the areas that are hot #2 find cash buyers to contact and ask if this is the area and type of investment they are looking for if so can I bring you some deals. I encourage anyone on the fence not to project negative results in your mind when you are going to take action but see the results come out the way you desire and it will happen. I have been giving a 60 second commercial about what I am doing to anyone who will listen and now I totally believe it. My best wishes to the dg family sal


sal cassandro

Home sales drop and dropping!

Recent facts:

The national median price for existing homes fell to $165,400 in September, a 3.5% drop from a year earlier, according to the Realtor association. Housing inventory fell last month, leaving the equivalent of an 8½-month supply at the current sales pace. That means it would take about that long to sell the current inventory.


Home sales rose in the Northeast last month but declined in the Midwest, South and West. The report only counts homes at the closing of a sale, which can come months after an agreement to sell and sometimes lags behind current conditions in the housing market.

2 Problems:

A broken housing market and mediocre employment gains. This summer's fears of the U.S.'s slipping into another recession appear to have ebbed, but businesses and consumers are bracing for a slow, extended economic-healing process.

So investors take note the advantages to investing are at their best. Our neighbors to North realize this an are investing in our real estate and sight unseen in a lot of cases. Fear and complacency are not two things you want on your team right now or ever!

Randy Bailiff
Dean Graziosi Success Coach