Every year all the counties in FL have their tax lien auctions in the month of May, when those are all over, shortly after all the counties in FL sell the liens that were left over 'First come first serve' "county held liens"
This is hands down my favorite time of the year to invest in tax lien certificates! Every year there are thousands upon thousands of great liens left behind waiting to be picked up! FL offers a great interest on your money of 18% with a 5% minimum.
Start by contacting the county Tax collector and asking for "the list of liens left over from their auction that are available to purchase" & then begin finding good lax liens to invest in
The reason I post June-Oct is the good liens in FL wont be available all year long, again 'first come first serve'
Good luck & Happy investing
FL County Held Tax Liens Galore!
Posted on: Tue, 07/02/2013 - 18:44
FL County Held Tax Liens Galore!
- by Harold.C
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Do we have to wait now til Oct 2013 to look into these Tax liens?
Life Hands You Lemons.......Make Lemonade......
It was once said, “religion is designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”
There are counties that have their county held lists available right now!
The reason I put June-Oct is this is the best time to get their county held lists, its first come first serve, and by October it may be more difficult to find some good liens to invest in.
The county Tax collector is the "go to" department to get their list of county held tax lien currently available to invest in
There will be a lot of new liens that you can buy very soon online. What you will want to do is go to realauction.com once you get there, on the left hand side it will say "client sites". Put your cursor over that and a drop down box will come out, click on the button that says "county tax lien sales" then on the right side of screen it will show you what states have online auctions.
very very soon but not yet the counties for FL will be open.
when they are open it will say "county held opens" then give a date. those are ones that we can buy directly from the county online.
get ready to buy some liens!!!
How long do it takes til you get money back?
I did my first tax lien can I buy a lien that is from 2012?
It is when the owner pays their taxes is when you get paid
It might be two weeks, it could be two years
FL has a two year redemption period, so if they pay after two years of the lien being issued on the property, the lien hold can start the foreclosure process.
In my personal experience, most things redeemed 6months - year
Yes there will be lots of counties in FL that have their county held liens at Realauction.com
In fact there are 7+ counties that have their lists out there now
& more counties will be added there week by week day by day.
Its first come first serve!
You cant wait on these liens that are available!
Now is the time to start looking at these lists and buy/invest.