Michigan deed sales

Michigan deed sales

For those of you who are interested in doing tax liens and deeds we have some exciting events coming up the first of August. The state of Michigan will be having their auctions and the best part about them is you can do them online. You do not have to live there to participate in these auctions and we can get some great deals from no matter where we are at.

I highly recommend reading up on how they work. Some of the websites that I will include below will have information on the rules and some FAQ's about how the sales are conducted.

The lists will not be out till August and you should have a month to get ready for the sale. Get your research done quickly.

The state of Michigan will have MOST counties online through 2 different sites.
The first is www.bid4assets.com -----> "county tax sale"
and the majority of auctions will be on www.tax-sale.info

Post questions if any.


Thanks erosquist1

I have been researching Michigan and have my eye on a few properties there. I have signed up on the tax sale websites and am ready for the auction. I hope to be able to pick some up at the end of September.

Where do I go to find the left over tax deeds? I would like to see what happens to those?



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