My Journey - Jared Knowlton

My Journey - Jared Knowlton


I thought I would catalog my journey to success in this forum. So that if it can help others and if there is synergy between us because of location or knowledge. Or a really good deal. Let me know I'm looking for partners or just peers to share information with.

I'm in Hidden Valley Lake, CA and looking to do deals in Lake County, Napa, Sacramento, and San Francisco at the moment.

Also if your looking for access to the MLS here in those areas. Please visit

-Jared Knowlton
888-832-7179 x106
[email protected]



That's a great idea. I too live in California.

I'm willing to share ideas insights. Just so you know though, I'm new, yet if any thing, the fact of having someone to share info learned from the experts and also to teach/ be taught these things will too reinforce the tools needed to succeed faster.

Best wishes,

- Justin


Say no to the good and YES to the BEST!