My agent provided the list of cash buyers for past 90 days. Took it to the county assessor office to look up current billing addresses and owner names. Assessor office clerk told me they do not update current owner information for 3-6 months. If I could contact the current owner's it would be great. Any suggestions?
Does your county have a website? If they do you should be able to access this info on line. If not I would talk to the county auditors department or recorders office. Someone there has to be filing the documents they recieve about the transactions alot sooner then 3 to 6 month's. I think you just need to get to the right department and person.
Good Luck!
Thanks, I will check with county auditor department and recorders office.
Its the same here in Rhode Island, I went to my target area tax assessors office and looked up the info, only then have to go across the street to city clerks office to look up the info that I found from the tax assessors office. Alot of tooing and froing. Anyay the lady at the tax assessors said that the company they use only update once a year and they have been waiting for the past month to update this info. To be honest a bit frustrating knowing that in some states all this can be found online very quickly.
When you goto the city clerks office and look up the deed documents you will see that sometimes an address in the bottom left hand corner for the mail to be sent to. If address is different thats your buyer.