Glut of foreclosed homes threatens housing market

Glut of foreclosed homes threatens housing market

This article from the NY Times (via will make you sit up and take notice. Read it carefully so you will understand that it is quite possible that this housing market is going to roll over big time. It doesn't mean you can't make money, but it does mean you better have an exit plan for your property before the music stops and you're left without finding a chair. The article is here:

Just plan your work and work your plan. It is the best chance you will have in surviving the oncoming stupidity.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors


Thanks for more good info. I had to put out the fire and take off my cheer leading pants and put down my pom poms however! REALITY STRIKES! Like you said, just be careful, buy right and have 2 or more exit strategies!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


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