I am looking to purchase properties in Brooklyn, NY with the following criteria:
1) 40-50% off ARV
2) 1-4 families, commercial mixed-use
3) 1 million or less
That's it. Please let me know if you know of any and I can close fast.
Thank you.
See my criteria 3
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I am willing to pay $10,000 for a deal.
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If you would like to be taken seriously, you should start by filling out your profile info and telling us about you and where you are and what you want to accomplish.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
I agree with reinvestor42.
To be taken seriously people want to know who they are interacting with.
It is far too easy to do deals with the people we already know and trust.
I've been around real estate long enough that personally I won't do deals without knowing who I am interacting with - for any price.
Good luck.
Happy Investing!
Think Less ~ Do More
Take Action = Results!
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Nobody would post their personal information on any public forum, just like both of you wouldn't. As far as goals or what I am looking to accomplish I view those as being a private matter and what they are shouldn't affect how we can work together to get deals done. If you are serious about doing deals then PM me directly and we can correspond via emails or calls, no need to waste a post to ask for personal information that would do nothing for anybody, bluntly speaking. Just for kicks, here is my short profile:
Residential/Commercial investor looking to take over the world one building at a time
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