The property is a 4 unit house located in the city of Binghamton, in upstate New York. Here are the numbers.
Unit 1 1 Bedroom 500
Unit 2 1 Bedroom 500
Unit 3 1 Bedroom 500
Unit 4 1 Bedroom 500
Total 2000
Insurance 70
Taxes 200
Utilities 600
Water 100
Maintenance 100
Total 1070
Let me know if you're interested. I am open to all types of financing so if you're creative here is the opportunity you have been waiting for.
I am assuming you pay all utilities on this prop. Can the meters be separated. Do you have a property address?...Jan
on a 5 unit in Birmingham. Ive gotten some great DG advise on my venture. What about asking price, comps, will owner hold mortgage or L/O, get info on total expenses not shown (city license, advertising, property management), and vacancy rate which is very important. Reinvestor 42, and JGREER had good advise on creative financing.
Good luck and keep us updated.
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Please let me know if anybody is interested. I'm still looking to sell the 4 unit. Willing to do $0 down if your credit and income are good.
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