We are bombarded with advertising

We are bombarded with advertising

These days, prospects and customers are bombarded with hundreds of advertising messages every day. Television, radio magazines, newspapers, direct mail, phone calls, web sites newsletters, emails, grocery carts, and bus benches provide people with more daily advertising impressions than they can possibly absorb. After half a lifetime or so at this lever, many people simply ignore or tune out advertising as a defense mechanism. So how do you get their attention? By using effective, attention getting headlines.



It is true that advertising is a multi-billion dollar business and headlines can make a difference. Sometimes the color of a flyer may generate more calls than others. So track which color fliers may get the same respones or even rotate headlines and see which headlines get the most responses and use the one that work best. Thanks for the tip. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA


I think humor can get their attention,I believe it will work overall great in what you are offering them,I think it is like a 2 for 1! First thing you are getting their attention(funny beats common)Second thing when you deal with them,You already are halfway there when it comes to first impressions.
I knew a guy that was a lead crew member for a CO. and he told me about a person that worked under him,The guy was always not coming into work or being late when he did come!My friend (the foreman)told me he could never let go the co-worker because...He had the best stories for not showing up and for being late,My friend said if i did give him pink slip,It would take me about 15 minutes to stop laughing from the guys story.
My point is humor can go a long way and with NMD!


Invest in yourself!


I like your humor Smiling
