help newbie with Pitfalls

help newbie with Pitfalls

can anyone without soliciting a service give me some example of pitfalls i should avoid? and any inspiration would be great. the fear of making mistakes and sounding unproffesional are stopping me from jumping out. i have 100 beautifull signs to put up and am to scarred to do it! What other advertising should i incorporate and how



Remember one thing...NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU SWEAT! The best advice I could give you is not to be scared. Get your signs out, place "I buy Houses" adds where ever you can...just DO IT! I assure you, there is not a questions that you can;t get answered by someone on this site. Keep reading, educate yourself 20x over. You will build confidence and feel more energized by "throwing yourself into the breach". Remember, when someone DOES call...just talk professionally and re-read Dean's books. The information in there helped me meet with a local investor and by the time we left...he was asking ME questions. You just have to do it and know that you have support...because you do.

There are hundreds of people on this site that are ready to help you. Ask questions, every day. If you don't understand something...just ask. I promise you, your inhibitions will melt away and you will be head and shoulders above anyone you talk to who doesn't have a Real Estate Investment background...and even some who do.

Don't get "paralysis through over-analysis"...get those signs out and see what comes back. you have support!!!

Good Luck!!



Jon A. Lubin
Investment Properties Group L.L.C.
Birmingham, Al.

"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" Wayne Gretsky

Action cures fear! As Carol

Action cures fear! As Carol S. says sometimes you just have to drag fear along.

If fear is crippling you....I would suggest practicing. Go on craigslist (or wherever) choose a totally different state than yours, pick a city, go to the RE sections and start making calls. Who cares about the property, that's not the point....the goal is to get you past the fear. Have a plan that you are going to make 20-30 calls in ONE day. Then alot the time and knock them out. If you have a fear of talking with professionals as well, do the same thing with banks, etc. Pick a location you do not have a desire to invest in and GET THE FEAR OUT! LOL

Look at it this way, what do you have to loose? You will probably never have contact, speak with or see these people ever again. Who cares if you goof it up, it's practice.

RE skills are learned and developed over time. Be professional, but allow your conversations to let them (seller/buyers) to get personal. You want them talking. Its' o.k. to allow your personality to be portrayed. Not getting personal, not being emotional, but showing you are a person that truly does wish to assist.

I will ALWAYS believe Real Estate is a relationship business. Properties are just the tools/products we use.

It's not as important what you say but how you say it. People FEEL when they are being sold and FEEL if your just reading a script. Be geniune. If you make and take each call with the attitude of how can I help this person and completely take how much money you can make from your thought process, it takes some of the pressure off. There is always time to figure the numbers but if you don't build a rapport and listen to their needs, you want have that chance to run the numbers. Make it a priority that your goal with each conversation is to gather as much information as possible to assit you in determining the strategy to best fit and in turn allowing you to CREATE a deal.
Gain the knowledge so you are fully informed regarding the message your are trying to convey builds confidence as well.

But just a nugget: When you are dealing with a truly motivated seller the deal will almost unfold itself.

God Bless,

Know what you're talking about...

Even if you don't know everything, don't sound like you know very little.

You get very few chances to make a lasting impression so your best bet would be to speak on only what you know; if you know the area tell them you'd be willing to find properties for them for a fee. Let them know you can be their eyes and ears to the area.

Not sure where you're from, but I can tell you buyers hate when lied to about houses people claim to have and don't. Let them know upfront you "search for individual investors". All they have to do is ask to see the home you advertised yesterday and it comes out you sold it.

Instant Fraud Alert

Keep it honest and clear and you should be ok. And remember, fear doesn't put food on the table.


The fear of making mistakes and sounding unprofessional??
How did you feel when you first started building?? Fear right??? Sand where would you be if you hadn't built that first house??? Did you know everything about building then.....NO. and I am sure you didn't feel professional either ...BUT WHEN YOU FINISHED THAT HOUSE and thus next and next one you built confidence.
Take yourself back to that STATE OF MIND and use that to take action! ! Keep in mind what elix says about being honest and just DO IT! !!! PULL THE TRIGGER NOW!!!


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after 18 times...

whatever you have done will become a second reflex.


STOP waiting and take action-your phone will start ringing off the hook.

We were ALL scared when we started REI-just do it and keep making progress, before you know it, you'll be there.

Run the numbers and KNOW when its a deal or not. Create a WIN, WIN, WIN situation for all involved.

Be honest and treat people right-with your knowledge SOLVE their problem and get paid for doing so. DON'T be greedy and cheat people when they are in a bad way. Remember, YOU could be in that situation too.

When you take time to understand the problem without thinking about 'HOW MUCH CAN I MAKE' (greedy) everything will fall in to place.

Be a 'problem solver' and HELP people.


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Nike says it best



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