How to get section 8 landlord buyers step by step

How to get section 8 landlord buyers step by step

Hello everybody

What a great rainy day here in cleveland ohio
anyway.As i said in my posts yesterday i would try to post something helpful everyday.If you didn't see yesterday's go check them out now .They were on how to put twitter on steroids and a way to track your online ads free. and that's a understatement.

Today it's on how to get section 8 landlords on your buyers list .Yes we all know it's a great way to build up your list, but i never heard of anybody explaining how to do it step by step.So let me try.I will use my home city and state as a example ,but it works for everywhere.

step 1. go to google type this in (your city name) housing authority (exactly)(for sake of this example
cleveland housing authority)

step 2. click on website (

step 3. click on housing choice voucher program

step 4. click on search for unit

step 5. click on search housing

step 6. click on find housing

step 7. click on the city that you want
(i suggest that you click on all cities in cuyahoga link)

step 8. click on show me properties per page (drop down select all)

step 9. click on the click here to search button

step 10. call all the landlords and ask if they are in the market to buy any more properties.get their info
you have their names and numbers already get email address'

tell them what you do

if you have properties tell them what you have and ask if you can email it to them and the new deals that you come across.If you dont have any simple tell them that you come across them all the time and you should have some soon etc....

It works
right now i tend to get 1 out of every 5 people that i call.

if anyone has any questions just pm me or post below also if you have any tips we all could use the help
seasoned and newbies alike


i hope this helps someone as it has helped me
take care until tommorrow

Interested in buying or selling a home? or know someone that is ?

Then click on the links below !!!


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Great info Brian! Enjoy

Great info Brian!

Enjoy your post....great positive attitude!!

God Bless,


Just what I was looking for. Smiling Thanks I know my area is full of properties that would be great for section 8 landlord buyers.

As a matter of fact I was showing a property today and was asked by my investor if I had any section 8 landlord buyers. How energy transfers and shows the way amazes me. Thank you so much Smiling


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.

Great post

Great post Brian!

Will give it a shot...Thanks for sharing!



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

RE; How to get section 8 landlord buyers step by step


if you have not checked out my other recent post go
check them out now !!!

one list skip tracing websites

the other one explains how to put twitter on steroids

and the best one is
how to track your online ad free!!! did i say Free!!!
this one is getting me so many buyers,tenant buyers and renters that i dont think i can keep up. I really need help and more properties in (cleveland ohio only)
i have 38 houses but m going to need more lol (Time to put up some bandit sigs)anyway if you want to know how im using it and how i have gotten over 50 buyers in the last 2 days just pm me.

I will put up another post on a way to get
more section 8 buyers tommorrow look out for it
