If you have been reading any of the recent real estate articles that discuss the "Making Homes Affordable" program, specifically the loan modification part, you will hear a lot of clamour about its inability to produce long term loan modifications for borrowers. It has produced short term solutions without the ability to convert a vast majority of loans to a long term lower rate, thus many borrowers are going to still enter into foreclosure after the short term fix expires.
Why is this beneficial to investors? Well, you will have a lot of frustrated home owners who have just had it and need to get out now. YOu will have a great source to tap into too...loan modification companies, debt counselors, bankruptcy attorneys, and mortgage brokers. If you network with these folks, you will have a continuous source of MOTIVATED SELLER leads. There are a lot of people who have been able to postpone, but who will not be able to qualify for a permanent fix, thus another wave of foreclosures will be coming in 2010.
Networking with these folks could be more accurate and effective than chasing foreclosure notices in the courthouse, because they know what is going on right now and what stage they are in and how willing the bank is to work on getting rid of the property.
If you offer these motivated sellers some moving money, I am sure they will be willing to agree to a short sale to just get out of that albatross aroung their neck.
You can find these professionals online, in phone books, going to industry related meetings, etc. I have emailed, called, and sent direct mail to these individuals to place how I can help them and their clients fight in front of their face.
The sad truth in my opinion is that the lenders have been able to postpone the foreclosure on these properties knowing they will not be able to convert to long term modifications on a good majority of the laons they have done short term fixes with to date. It gives them additional time and cash resources to collect on these struggling borrowers before they foreclose on that borrower. They can look better to the FDIC and their board memmbers if they are collecting something....even if it is not the original amount.
Networking is not a once and done marketing approach, it takes time and repeat contacts over time to develop, build, and maintain these relationships.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Hi Derling. I am by no means an "expert" at this time, but it is my understanding that it is "illegal" to offer money to a short sale client.
Your statement said: "If you offer these motivated sellers some moving money, I am sure they will be willing to agree to a short sale to just get out of that albatross aroung their neck".
Could you explain how you intend to offer the money to the client, with it being a "legal" transaction? Even IF you offer the money to them prior to initializing the short sale, isn't it still illegal to do so?
dianehilliard great comment and point. I may not have phrased it in the best manner, so here is more on what I meant by that statement.
In some cases you will find some state laws that outline what can be done with short sales or not done with them. In this case, offering the seller cash could be a problem.
What if it was not cash, what if you determined the moving date with them and brought a truck over to help them move....that is not cash. What if you create a separate bill of sale to buy appliances, dog runs, etc...that add up to a certain amount. I suggest that you do not go above $1,200.
However, in many cases, you will find that it is not a law, but a term or condition of the short selling lender to not allow CASH to be give to the seller on the HUD (closing)or mentioned in the purchase agreement. If it is noted by them, they will reject the offer.
Essentially, the only reason why it causes a problem is it could be looked at as taking money away from the bank. If you have a bill of sale with an amount stated on it and signed by all parties, separate from the purchase agreement for the property, it is a purchase of personal property. It could have been what would have normally came with the property anyway, but it protects you from these possible claims in the future and gives the seller some cash to move with. Likewise, who can put a dollar amount on helping a person move and claim it was a kick back. Sounds more like kindness to me.
I hope this helps to clarify what I meant by that statement. I apologize if it may have been misleading initially, but I hope my clarification has helped.
All in all, if you don't feel comfortable with this aspect of the approach, you dont have to do it. It is just an approach we have used before to make life a little easieer on the seller and make our offer a little bit mroe attractive.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
If you offered to buy leads or give a finders fee for leads would that be considered out of the guide lines of business?
Invest in yourself!
It depends on the professionals local licensing board as to whether they could recieve certain types of kick backs. They will know what they can and cannot ask for (well they should at least). In some cases it is a monetary amount limit or simply cash restriction that the local board has placed into effect for licensure or the state has placed into effect. In most cases, kick backs are looked at by the government and other governing agencies as unethical or wrong when a consumer is involved.
The fact of the matter is that many times we are helping these people do something they may not have been able to do or know to do before. Still, the law is what it is, so you could offer referrals back to them. It is an indirect way of putting money back in their pocket. However, if you say you are going to do it, you better make sure you are going to refer people to them on a regular basis that meet their business model. Otherwise, you will wear this professional out and lose the lead source.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125