local REIA websites-
section 8 landlords
youtube.com put in heading what you looking for
example:we buy houses i made thousands with this on youtube with the same topic i just gave you some that will want you to bring deals to them.Go down the list and right down every number that shows including websites to you can't nothing go wrong if you just try and apply the skill.
I've paid thousands for countless programs bootcamps and many others took a peace from every guru i meet and peace them together but dean is the real deal he the king on the top thats top G dean is a blessing and im still learning .Family and friends that supports this site i love helping people and for those who are struggling to get moving to build buyers list here is a list that puts you in the drives seat go to investors rehab.com they will buy your properties from you they buy at 70% per cent of the ARV after repair value
do your homework folks run comps etc. view the property take pictures let me know what happends i,ve done 3 deals with them and got another right now they looking at take this use it but you cant make money if you just sit you gots to make offers you gots to make moves thanks to the dean family and friends we are here to help one another. God bless everyone.
how to build buyers list
Posted on: Fri, 12/11/2009 - 06:31
how to build buyers list
- by marlymar
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When networking, use local real estate professionals! Most new investors will begin with realtors, lenders, attornys, accountants or title officers. If you have close personal friends that are memebers of these professions they may consider giving you names of investors they have worked with but typically the answer is no!
Instead consider the low key real estate professonals such as home inspectors, handymen, sub-contractors, general contractors and appraisors. These professionals are much more likely to to share names of investors they know or have worked for.
Wish you well!
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Wow, This helps so much. Does investorsrehab.com buy in cincinnati,ohio?
Thanks, Tori