Networking with Real Estate Professionals

Networking with Real Estate Professionals

Networking with Real Estate Professionals
By Jeff Jensen
There a lot of real estate professional that you may get referrals from as you are building your buyer’s list such as the following:
Home Inspector
General Contractor
When using the phone or meeting in person, some of these professionals are more likely than other to offer the name of an actual investor you can contact. For example, If you call a Realtor, or Attorney, they are less likely to give you’re the name of a client. These professionals tend to keep this information private because of the nature of their relationship with the client.
You may have better luck with some of the professions farther down the list, such as a Home Inspector, Handyman and others. Here is an example on a conversation with a Handyman.
(Their name) this is (Your Name), I saw (online, in the phone book, etc.) that you are a handyman, is that right? I’m just getting started with real estate investing and am looking for investors here in the area I can speak with to understand more about investing locally. I am hoping that as a handyman you have had a opportunity to work with investor in the past and wondered if you had someone that you could refer to me?
This is a simple approach when just getting started that is not threatening and will not ask the professional to give up information that they shouldn’t. This is also a general approach to working with real estate professionals where it’s okay to tell them that you’re fairly new to investing and are not asking them to commit to something,
Over the next few weeks try this out on some professionals you have never met before to see their response.

Good luck buyer hunting
Jeff Jensen


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


Thanks for the information and the tips. I believe this information is great and will be very helpful. The more we expand our network, the more we can continue to expand our list of buyers/sellers. I like the phone approach example provided above. Thanks again for the insight. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA