Real Estate Marketing - The Power of Real Estate PR by Brandon Cornett
Public Relations seems to be the forgotten tool of real estate marketing. That's too bad, because a real estate PR program can give real estate agents more exposure than traditional advertising, and for a fraction of the cost.
Real estate PR also builds your credibility due to its third-party nature. After all, what would you be more likely to believe ... an advertisement, or an article in the newspaper?
How to incorporate PR into your real estate marketing program:
1. Develop relationships with your local media. Position yourself as their "go to" guy or gal for real estate expertise.
2. Is there a weekend "Homes" show in your area? Here in Austin, Texas, we have a Saturday TV program called "Hot on Austin." It's all about homes for sale in the area. Every episode features a local real estate agent commenting on various properties. What would that do for your real estate business?
Seek out the producers and editors of your local programs. Pitch yourself as an expert on the local real estate scene. Above all else, try to develop a working relationship with this key people. Be proactive — send them relevant news and articles from time to time.
3. Publish articles online to position yourself as an expert. Find out what key phrases your target audience is searching on the Internet, and then publish articles focused on those phrases. Use article distribution websites to save time and increase your coverage.
4. Conduct home buying seminars in your area. If your seminar becomes popular, invite the local media to attend. Sell them on how popular it has become with local residents ... that's the angle that will get their attention. At the very least, send them a press release about your seminar. Get some quotes from satisfied attendees and put them in your release.
Public relations can strengthen your real estate marketing program with credibility and targeted exposure — and for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. But only the patient and persistent need apply. Real estate PR takes time and effort, but the lasting results are well worth the effort.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Some of the best advertising is free advertising. Thus, the more we get the workd out through various channels, the more we can benefit from it. Thanks for sharing the informative article. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA