I have read book after book, and I took course after course and I have paid out all this money, including to Dean's students(Matt Larsen and the other guy) and I still have not made a single dime. I tried their strategies and I realize there is something I am not getting. What is it? I found buyers but they want to take weeks before giving me an answer on a property or they don't contact me at all. Yet, I still haven't given up. But I am giving up paying another guru a dime of my small, yet hard earning money, to take more courses and still not make a dime.
Stephanie Cherry
Real Estate Wholesale Consultant
What kind of marketing do you do? You know getting your message out there that "you buy houses"? If you are doing that, what kind of marketing are you using?
You have buyers, good keep in contact and find more.
I will take some heat for this but I don't care. Contact thru bandit signs and get to the lowest $ you can get, try for owner financing or lease option, buy and hold if the numbers are right.
They teach wholesale to start off for less risk and I agree. If you can get control of property you have options.
I guess I can relate..no deal yet, but I am terribly inconsistent and I know it. I make some strides, then get distracted or lazy. I'm reading 30 Days for the second time..I dream of where I could be by now if I would just prioritize. How bad do I want it?..I read somewhere years ago that the #1 reason people fail is they trade what they really want for what they want at the moment..hmm.
I read your bio and you seem like a go-getter type. I would just tell you what I tell myself: be consistent, never give up, keep your eye on the prize.
BTW, I'm also in GA.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
Gurus are after everyone's money, not only yours.
P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.
This list is simplified but this is how a deal is done from start to finish:
1) Market to motivated sellers...(direct mailers, bandit signs, door hangers, business cards) do what ever is in your budget to get your message out there that "WE BUY HOUSES CASH xxx-xxxx".
2) Learn how to talk to sellers and problem solve their issues in a way that gives them value while leaving lots of room for profit for you.
3) Learn how to write up agreements and how to record them at your local courthouse if need be. Get that property under contract one way or another. Then do your own title search or have your closing attny do one for you.
4) Now either sell that house to a cash buyer, or sell it to a Lease Option tenant. Make sure to get a non-refundable deposit from either. If selling to a L/O tenant learn about those agreements as well.
5) If your deal is a cash only to an cash investor buyer, have a good closing attorney lined up and get transaction funding to boot as well. Once you do all that and if the numbers work...sign the paperwork and walk out with a checek made out to your LLC.
I do Stephanie like Heidi said I totally agree i have done 8 deals, should have 80! but thats ok I am going to go forward liike you said. take what you have learned and use that, have you made offers? how many? how many buyers have you gotten?
Prob not many and prob not the way you were instructed, thts why no deals. we cant blame Dean if we dont listen and do what we are told we have no one to blame but ourselves, now i am giving tough love but you deserve it
me too, so pick yourself up and go do it!
No excuses! period any more ok! lets do what we know to do and take responsibility! get buyers, make offers, its that simple, there is no magic bullet ok. be well.
Go faster do more! GFDM!