Should you stage a home you are selling? What if you are renting a property, should you stage?
K. Michael Fishbaugh
Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes. Isaiah 58:12
Personally I like staging my properties. The reason I do it, is that it comes across much more warm and homey. When people are looking at a property, it needs to be something they can see themselves living in. Not only in the neighborhood, but most important the home itself. By staging a property you give the potential buyer ideas of what they could do with the property, and you make them feel invited and warm. With that being said, I don’t think you should go to crazy lengths to stage. You don’t need to have every room in the house full of furniture etc. But in the kitchen, bath and living areas, have something in them to give the buyer a warm sense of the property.
Good luck!
Hi Michael,
I have to agree with clarsen's post to you. Staging homes gets them sold faster! because people can visualize the space better and how they can fit there belongings there as well. You will find a lot of companies willing to stage and most of the time they want to buy the property with the furniture, you may be able to sell the property for more. If you can afford to stage then do it.
Good luck,