I am new to the DG systems (I am currently going through the Rock Bottom Blueprint system), and I am fortunately finding a number of agents that seem to be attractive candidates.
I live in a city that is extremely divided by social and economic boundaries, which makes many of the KW and Remax agents experts in their particular part of town -- but not necessarily in other areas of the city.
With that in mind, would it be wise to use multiple agents to build a buyer's list / find properties?
Negative people are like cancer. They'll eat you alive unless you irradiate them out of your life.
Sean, welcome to the family. It's a great time to be in Real Estate.
Using multiple agents can sometimes be a little sticky. They will be concerned about making sure that they are getting paid for the work they do, and that you aren't going to go behind their back. If you plan to use multiple agents here are a couple of helpful hints.
1- Make sure you have them locating properties in completely different areas. Be sure not to have them cross over into each other’s area.
2- Be clear on what your strategies are, and how they can be benefited by it.
3- Make sure you have enough buyers in the different areas to make it profitable for the realtor and yourself.
You don't want to waste your time, or the realtor’s time by having them look for properties in their area when you don't have buyers interested.
When evaluating whether to use multiple agents or not, do your homework and make sure it's a win/win situation for all involved.
Good luck!
We use more than one agent. I agree that often times agents specialize in specific areas and that is to your advantage. You might be careful about letting them know that you don't use them exclusively. It is better to tell them (if necessary) that you work closely with a few partners who use different agents.
Good Luck!!!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
The reason is that 90% of the time we go to the listing agent on MLS listings, the reasons are : (1) direct line of communication with the seller,
which results in quicker responses & no 3rd party waiting or miscommunication. (2) negotiations; since the agent is getting the total commission they seem to work a little harder, & if need be they will discount their commission to complete the deal. (3) They know the property better, specs, neighborhood, & resale values. (4) They are a direct personal relationship with the seller & know just how motivated they are & what they are willing to take.
We have had one agent call us "****s" (now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black) because of not using just one agent ... BUT they all show up a the closing table to collect their check with no complaints. And when you're buying several properties for CASH & they know you can close ASAP they change their tune quickly!
All of these opinions are great!
Right now I have two REAs working for me -- both in different areas of town. So far so good. They both seem to understand they have expertise in different areas of town.
Thanks for the comments!
Negative people are like cancer. They'll eat you alive unless you irradiate them out of your life.
Then using multiple agents who each know their own part of town makes perfect sense. IDK how willing they will be to help you find buyers, especially if they know they're not the only agent you talk to. But if you politely stick to your guns and remind them, "I'm looking outside your area, I have no choice but to consult other agencies," they should calm down after that. Any agent worth keeping (and paying) will give you what you need, when you ask for it, with no BS or complaints. Sales is sales, and the more serious you invest in RE, the more seriously they will take you. Keep us updated on your progress, and best of luck to you...
Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."
Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."