Housing prices to Drop 8-10%

Housing prices to Drop 8-10%

Just read an article that prices are expected to drop another 8-10%.

If you don't think NOW is a GREAT time to buy Real Estate, you must be living in a cave.


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Hi Mike

Is that drop forcasted in your area or is it nationwide? In AL sales actually went up about 1.5% last quarter, but we feel it will level off thru about June 2011 and then start tricklin downward here. Thanks for for your info.




We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.

Prices dropping

Yes, there is supposed to be another dip in housing prices due to the resetting of arms around the country. This should be affecting prices through 2011 and into 2012. The good thing is, it doesn't matter what the market is doing, there are always opportunities. Even if the market is going down, there will always be people in probate situations, or any other circumstances where they will drop their price extensively just to get out of a property.

Watch for these jewels in a market where people are fearful, and staying on the sidelines. That presents even more opportunity for us as investors, and the bold will make money.

Keep at it and enjoy the success!