How much does flipping/wholesaling slow down in winter?

How much does flipping/wholesaling slow down in winter?

I live in the North where the winters can be long and cold so I was wondering how much things slow down from an investors standpoint during the coming months? I know the regular retail side always slows down in the winter but was just curious as to what someone with experience has to say about it.

Just trying to plan ahead for time spent and income expected during the coming months.




Slowing Down

Hi Nick,

Well in real estate things do slow down in certain areas more than others, just a fact of the industry.

The great thing about our industry is our ability to invest anywhere we want. I think you will find most coaches and gurus in this industry fallow the more active markets so it does not depend on what is slow or not. You can chose where to invest.

I know that most of us here invest outside of the state that we live in. So if you feel that it is running a little slow just concentrate on another area.

Randy Bailiff
Dean Graziosi Life and Investment Coach