Investing in Houston, Tx

Investing in Houston, Tx

I am new to Real Estate Investing, I know there are many people out there just like me that are just starting out . I would like people from Houston that are taking action to join this Forum and post strategies, progress, results, etc to keep us motivated and moving forward to Financial Independance, we can learn a thing or two from each other.....
I will be the first one.... My borhter and I bought a home for nearly $100k and right now we are doing some repairs to it....looking forward finishing and rent it or sell it, we will find out when we finish.
I will keep you informed about the up coming details....
Good LUCK everyone!!!


Alex Rubio from Houston

The work continues.....

Repairs continue as we come close to being done with the is looking a lot better pretty soon i will post some pictures on Facebook and post the link here so you can see the changes. I'm hopping someone will come into this forum to see the progress of my first deal..... maybe it will inspire someone else to take action.

Alex Rubio


Alex Rubio from Houston

By the way...

By the way the picture in my profile is one taken at work on the 4th of July of this year....they don't allow us to have shirts like that at work only for occations like this sucks!!! no freedom al all.....

Alex Rubio


Alex Rubio from Houston

Looking forward to the info tomorrow!!!!

Im looking forwar to the interview that Dean is doing with Joe and his wife......
Let's keep it going!!


Alex Rubio from Houston

No one investing in Houston??

Is anyone investing in Houston Real Estate Market or am I going to take the all the deals?? joking!!
Hope to see people here posting coments about their progres in houston....
I have been busy with the house....decided to remodel the master bathroom too because it sucked!!! If anyone is interested in looking at some before and after looks shoot me a comment....

Alex Rubio


Alex Rubio from Houston

Good luck with your project

Alex, I would love to see the before and after pictures.

good luck

good luck with your project alex. new invester in houston


no comments at this time

The Master bathroom is 50% completed

Hi Sandra and jShikee I am sorry I have not post any progress latly.....I been working at the house and dealing with diferent wholesalers for material to finish the house....
I am glad that you came to this forum and post your comments.... thanks looking forward to hear from you and more people doing deals in Houston Texas
stop by the house if you are in the area contact me so i can give you the address.....
[email protected]


Alex Rubio from Houston

Thank you very much

Thanks for your comment..... are you new to RE too?
Maybe we can share Ideas, are you here in town?
Let me know

Take Care!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

How is business?

Hi Sandra....
How are you doing, I just stopped by to say hi.
you said you are a Realtor correct? Can you tell me what type of market you work with?
Talk to you later, take care!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Almost ready myself!

hello Alex, Im in houston and invested in dean, so far im impressed with the knowledge im gaining, almost thru with 2 of deans books, and with my current situation, i will probably be bird dogging to start my r.e. investing career. Either way, I plan to visit this site regularly and keep moving forward. Best wishes on your endeavors, lets take houston by storm!

Good to hear from another fellow Houstonian!!!

Hi there,
Good to know there are more people here in houston who are ready to change their life with RE.... I have read Dean's books and I am also a success academy student....let me know what I can do to help, at the moment it might no t be much but we can work together to bring Houston into the map!!
Take care
Looking forward to hear from your upcomming success!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Who wants to see some more pictures of the before and afters....

I have new pictures of my fisrt deal.... the Guest bathroom is finished!!! just needs paint but after all we did to it, paint is nothing!! LOL
shoot me a PM message with your email address so I can send them to you...
Take care, and good luck to everyone!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Hey there Kevin

Hi Kevin,
First of let me apologize I believe we were supposed to get in touch with each other and never happened.... anyway I got your number now and I will call you a bit later today....

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Nice talking to you Kevin

I am looking forward to doing some deals together!!
Take care

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

What's up emohtep....

How is the reading going???
I hope you are learning alot.....I wanted to ask you since you are new maybe you didn't hear about Dean's mini book... if you dont have it let me know and I will email it to you...
Shoot me an email if you are interested in reading is awesome!!
[email protected]

Alex Rubio from Houston
Ultimete Real Estate Solutions


Alex Rubio from Houston

What"s up Kevin...

Hi Kevin,
Hope you are doing good man. I just wanted to post my email address for you just in case i gave it to you wrong by mistake.... also wanted to let you know I have not received the email that we talked about.
Looking forward to it.
Take care Kevin

Alex Rubio from Houston
Ultimate Real Estate Solutions
[email protected]


Alex Rubio from Houston

Taking a little break for the holidays???

I have!!!!
And don't regret it........... but this week (tomorrow & thursday I'm off from work) I will be working in the house all day...should get most of whats left to do done.....
Happy new year to everyone if I can't log back in before then!!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Checking in....

Good Morning to all...
Half of January is almost gone in this new decade. I just wanted to stop by the site and check out what is going down with Houston Investors, I am still working in the house but it seems that the work is coming to an end pretty soon.
Well, I hope I can have some news about the first deal of 2010 pretty soon...I found a Realtor that is going to work with me and also a Mortgage broker so we should be good to go!!!
Hope everyone else in houston is working hard towards financial independence this 2010!!!

Alex Rubio form Houston.


Alex Rubio from Houston

Hi Kevin

Hi Kevin How is it going?
Listen, I am sorry that I haven't send you back the papework you sent me to sign but as you know I am a little busy with the house.... it's almost done now so I will have a lot more time to work with you in shortsales....looking forward to that too my frined.
Did you have a chance to take a look at the pictures I sent you?
Well I have new ones.... let me know if you have some time to take a look at some more.

Alex Rubio form Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Got the Book??

I'm exited and antious to receive Dean's new book "Your Town, Your Profits" I think that is going to be the breakthough in 2010 for me.....
I hope other investors in Houston got a chance to take advantage of the 50% off that Dean offered all the members.
Once I get the book I'd like to get together with other book readers from Houston to disect the information and put it into action.
Let me know if you are up for it.....

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

I just Received my book........

I can wait for lunch time to start reading this book.... I glanced at it when I got to work to see what is coming and the first impression is awesome!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Haven't heard from you in a while....

Just wanted to say hi make sure you are doing good...... did you get Deans new book?
Take care!
Hope to see you in the site more often!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

How is it going....

How is the REI going for you?
did you get Dean's new book?
Wanted to see if you had read some of it if you did...
Take care

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

The first 2 chapters of Dean's new book...

I knew it was going to be awesome.... off to a strong start....
"Your Town Tips: Practice the P's to success: Passion, Persistent, Patient, Press while being Polite and Professional!!!""
Never give up or give in. You will do it!!!!
Dean's New Book


Alex Rubio from Houston

A new very usefull tool for REI

I'm now a member of thanks to Dean' book.... I took some time of the reading and explored the wesite and found some very useful informatioin about the property I'm getting ready to sell!!!
This is awesome, every day something new and exiting.....

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Chapter 4 of the YTYREP Book...

Greg Murphy is awesome!!! this information is so powerful... i feel sorry for the people that didn't want to invest a few dollars to buy this book!!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

Off to repay old debts...

I have to go to my cousin's house today to help him build a Storage 20' x 16'..... he is helping me with my house rehab so it's only fair to help him with his storage this week!!!
I will post the last progress on the house next week or next time I go there to work...
Last week o work for the first deal!!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston

The house is on hold....

Still working on the storage....we have to finish it today because tomorrow it is going to rain even harder here in Houston....


Alex Rubio from Houston

The Edge Event

Is anyone from Houston going to the event in Arizona???


Alex Rubio from Houston

kind of

Hi Alex,
I am not from Houston but I live in Waco and will be moving to Victoria in March. So I am not from Houston but I will be from that area soon and I am going to the Edge event.



Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.

-One Step Closer