New Excited Investor,Saint Louis Missouri

New Excited Investor,Saint Louis Missouri

I am a new excited easy learning investor willing to work with Finders Fees and Contract Assignments. Please contact me any buyers looking for an investor to bring you the best deals possible. Thank You and I'm looking forward to providing the best service possible.


New Investor

My name is Paula and I am very excited about learning and becoming apart of Deans sucess team if anyone has any advice on anything please feel free to share it with me. Thank You

Welcome Paula!

Congrats Paula on getting Dean's book & is eager to learn all about REI, your not alone here so don't be shy on asking any questions you might have. Just because I'm a few miles away I am still here to help you accomplish your dreams & goals that you have. Don't miss Dean's conference call tonight that will help you even more to get you on your way to start making money ASAP.

Your new Friend,
John A.

Thank you so much I am proud

Thank you so much I am proud to be apart of something where I have a lot of support from other people that are already involved in the program. I can't wait to actually start making I signed up for the phone call and I will be listening in on that also. Im starting out with no money but I believe this program is going to work out for me.I do have a question....Once you get an in my case assignment contract a house and a buyer and a real estate agent what should you do next ..I men like what paper work is going to be filled out or what are the next steps? Thank You for your Support

Congrats! I am very new

Congrats! I am very new myself and I'm glad you're joining the family! Welcome!


Success and Nothing Less!


On Assigning Contracts you will want to use the form that has that title and don't forget to add the words and/or on the top section of the form that way your not bind to the contract. If you have Dean's book "Profit From Real Estate Right Now!" it's on page 165. Follow those exact steps & you won't go wrong, always ask questions if you don't understand. That's great that you have a house lined up already......keep me posted & don't give up!

John A