I have deans books, ive watched the videos, Iam in the success academy, I see how easy and quick wholesaling and assigning contracts can be. Iam in debt and need some fast cash for a relief. Up till now all ive been doing is studying, reading online/books and watching videos. Every success story says to take action and make it happen. I agree and iam trying to find a place to start. I can post ad's on craigslist and build my buyers list that way, also call numbers on for rent/sale signs but what do i say when i call them? I believe FSBO is a good one to start out on too. My trouble is on finding the place and locking it up on contract for the right price. Any advice is helpful, Thank you and God bless. My big problem is taking action. I dont want or like to fail but i know nobody is perfect and I have to learn from mistakes and failures. I want to be very successful in real estate and train others and give back someday when i am experienced enough.
Bless and be blessed!
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I have a big "analysis paralasis" problem. I over analyze things and try to see it from all options and try to eliminate mistakes and failures ahead of time which isnt always wrong in life but i can see how it is here.
Bless and be blessed!
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Please, anybody? To the top
Bless and be blessed!
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Hi freedom2011. I sympathize with you 100%!
Now, the way I see it is if you have learned the techniques you want to use from Dean's book then I say "JUST GO FOR THAT FIRST DEAL" with confidence and assurance.
Whatever free time I have I use it studying and learning from Dean's books as well as from the member's forum here and I'm still taking baby steps. But, at least I got the ball rolling.
I may find myself analyzing maybe a little too much. But that's my nature. One thing I've comprised for myself is my "list of things to do first". I figure this list can help me check off the things I need to do to make things work.
Should have an answer on how successful I was in a couple of weeks. Will tell how it went in my mbrs journal.
Just remember to follow the steps with confidence and assurance and you'll do fine.
Hope you much success when you make your move.
When u fall down just dust yourself off and get back up
Finding the property and locking it up for the right price is the whole key to this business. EVERYONE has that problem. We are ALWAYS looking.
Alex, the ONLY way you are going to be successful in this business is to TAKE ACTION and learn by trying to put properties under contract. You are going to HAVE to step out of your comfort zone. NO OTHER WAY.
I mentor, you may need one! PM me if you have any interest.
Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
I was the same way when i started out in may 2011. I was uneducated and had fear rule me inside and out. But then i started calling local realty offices and asking like where are the REI clubs. I highly recommend joining one of them, they are social powerhouses and ur first deal might come from them. Then i found out about where the forecloisure auctions are held in my city by calling the county clerks office. I started attending those and tried talking to people but there werent alot of people at these auctions so i just decided to build my buyers list by calling the for rent ads and foud three buyers just from doing that. Then i just started pm people and this site and have met some nice people. Just get out there with confidence make calls, see properties, and make offers. Your not a real estate investor unless u make that 1st offer. good luck
Thank you for the encouragement and advice. I still have trouble retaining and comprehending the info Iam trying to learn.
Bless and be blessed!
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Thank you. I work 2nd shift mon-fri so its difficult to make it to the rei meetings otherwise I would be be there. Thanks for all the advice and info. Here's to my 1st deal! Michael I'll pm you.
Bless and be blessed!
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