I started this oct 4 of 2010, my goal is to take it step by step and not give up. right now im on page 210-be a real estate millionaire.. the book has alot to offer. i got the book for free at a 6 hour seminar. i really have no money and bad credit.. Really!!!
at the seminar i was pumped up. but then when the got to the part on how much it will cost to 3 day class i almost cryed . cause i only had $7 to my name..
the they offered a second then 3ed class. but i still only had $7 to my name. then to make it worst dean did not show up... lol
im doing this because i hate working for people. + i want my kids to have things that i couldnt even think of.. so far the book is grate ive learned alot , thanks dean, also thanks to all the people that blog about every thing on this site. great info and it helps out alot. remember im not even done with the book yet, and i already have a long list of buyers/ investors. not ony that i have completed alot of my goals in less then 25 days. so ill keep you updated un my progress..
Terrys Journal
Posted on: Sun, 10/31/2010 - 01:08
Terrys Journal
- by bradleyjustbradley
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im not really good at talking,
so i need help now wht do i say to a seller that wants to sale fast,
buy the way i do have buyers
and who do a make pay the finders fee the buyer or the seller or just both??????
so far i have like 14 buyers and 3 sellers im so happy ,, im walking on sun shine
cant wait in till i close my first deal.. ..
the other day i couldnt find any one to help me with this type of contract. so now that i know how to do it let me help you . well let this guy help you..
just click here
Im am a visual learner and some time its hard for me to understand thing on paper so thats why i spend an hour of my time looking for things like this to help my self and newbies understand how to do contracts
here is the link hope it helps if not now then later on down the road..
You have a long list of buyers and just getting started. How did you get your long buyers list? Did you have real estate knowledge before getting Deans's books. My time is always a crunch so i am still reading and re-reading the books. Do you have a lot of friends and do you think that would make a difference ? I am happy for you with the progress you have made. I wish you good luck.
I did not have any knowledge about real estate at all. like really 0%
nor did i nor do i have any friends that do. what i did was post lost of adds on craigslist.com i posted two different types of adds. one to attract sellers then one to attract buyers. the buyers come fast. and from all over. the sellers come slow. then i called adds in the papers, people that were selling their homes and need to sale fast, also called the "i buy homes" people and asked them do they have homes that they would want to get rid of..
with the book i took lots of notes. lots! also this site helped me out a lot,
from how to post the craigslist ads, to the assignments of contracts and exc.
use this web site as if it were a cheat sheet. this is where youll get the most help from.
It sounds like you are moving right along. Welcome to the DG Family full of support both professionally and personally.
Peace and Blessings,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela
now just waiting on the out come, but while i wait let me try to make some more deals....... yahhooooooooooooooooooooooo..