Is there anyone out there that knows the ins and outs of this topic? I have stumbled accross this topic about 2 weeks ago and decided to look into it more.
What I found was shocking and just down right wrong in a sense that the banks would do that to people... If anyone has more insight on this topic, please do not be afraid to share... Thank you
that'll start the convo
A hint please>>>
Elix, your too much lol.
Elix, your too much lol.
Most people are either not going to jump in if they dont know too much or if they do might just ramble and this convo goes nowhere
I just made a suggestion that since he mentioned it, speak about what he heard so it can move from there
You sign notes to secure the dept to you, but you also pay your house off in full when you sign. When you sign the "security notes" its not taken and kept in a safe place, its turned into money for their bank, then bundled up into a nice package and sold. Is it legal for banks to make money off their own credit? According to some documents and laws that I have read, its not especially with out consideration...