Have you ever heard a great story or started watching a movie when it already began about an hour prior? Sometimes you miss things from the beginning, right? You also enjoy hearing a story from the beginning to get all the facts and tidbits of information. Sometimes who tells the story could make a difference, as well. Did the person hear the story from someone else, or were they there as part of the story? That can make all the difference in the adventure!
I think back to a little over a year ago when we decided to order Dean's book and program and I can't begin to tell you how much our lives have changed. We owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to Dean for all his books and programs have done for us and our family!
I want to take you back to the beginning of our story or at least a year (or even a few years may be fun). My journal is a prequel but still will be packed with all the adventure and hopefully information and inspiration to help you along the way.
I know in the beginning every newbie is nervous and excited all in one! That's okay! We are all nervous whenever we start something new! But know from today that you have the DG website community and the best mentor in the world with Dean Graziosi! Dean is the most giving person. Week after week and month after month, he continues to help his students with a proven path to success. So, as you start this journey or continue down the path, be ready for the adventure! You are part of this story as we continue on with time during this adventurous journey.......
Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
......In early 1999 we heard from others how people were making so much money on the internet. A friend we knew told us how he was making thousands of dollars a month selling Star Wars Action Figures and he was putting off going to college because his internet business had grown and was sos prosperous. We inquired what he was doing and how was he selling on the interent. He told us about this awesome sight called "eBay". A little later the same friend told us about Craigslist.
Our friend knew the ins and outs about this website and we were craving to learn as much as we could. Joe wanted to start an internet busienss but did not know how. Joe felt this was it and we should really try to pursue it. I was skeptical at first because I did not truly undersatnd this whole auction thing. It almost seemed like a huge garage sale. Once I looked more into it and listened to Joe talk about his vision for an internet business, I was convinced. Shortly, therefafter, we sold our first item and we are on our way!
The key to the story here is try not to jump to conclusions until you have all the facts and try to see the potential in things that others may miss. That is where the hidden gems of knowledge or deals could be. Good luck with all your endevours! Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Fantastic story Stacy, thanks for sharing.
I have started selling on E-Bay and already sold one item and have others listed. I kind of like doing it now, its fun.
See you two next Friday.
Thanks for the input about eBay and for visiting my new journal. ebay is like Jays potatoe chips you "can't stop eating them." With eBay it is easy to get hooked the mroe items you sell. I hope that others will benefit form what we have learned with Craigslist and eBay over the years as I travel down the road of reflection. See you next week at Dean's Gain the EDGE event. Carpe Diem :0) Stacey and Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
....Glad to see you started the Craigslist/eBay/Real Estate Journal. It is always good to reflect where we came from and where we are headed. I am sure there are plenty of interesting stories during our Craigslist and eBay years such as buying more items than we could fit into our car. We can finally laugh about that now, right?
Sometimes when you see a HUGE Sale, you just make sure you can fit it in your vehicle!
Looking forward to reading about the journey and adventure as this journal goes down memory lane. It is always a great feeling to have that person at your side along the way. When people believe in you, you can then believe in yourself! What a journey and experience over the years! Thank you for believing in me and making the journey just as much fun as the destination! I could have never did all this with out you! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
...Thanks for visiting my new journal and al lthe nice comments. It sure has been a lot of fun during these past several years and I look forward to our future adventures! Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
...Friday is here and the weekend is not far. I have to laugh when I think about Joe's overloading the car with goodies story. It is funny how you encounter problems but have to act fast to solve those problems. Let's take a look back several years ago on a warm mid-summer Friday night.........
Once upon a time....we saw a huge sale on airline tickets from Chicgo to Orlando, Florida. Joe and I purchased tickets to go to sunny central Florida for a weekend. We left work on Friday at 5 PM and off to the airport we went. We had a return flight on late Sunday evening. We had just started the Craigslist/eBay business and saw potential in the demand for Disney World themepark related merchandise.
We went to the local outlet mall and they were having a HUGE Sale. We bought so many items, we would take them to the car and head back into the mall for even more items. Before we realized it, our small rental car was filled! Even the front seat! Joe decided to call one of his friends who lived about 30 minutes away. He asked his friend to hold merchandise and we would have to make another trip back to get the rest of the items. We were rather stressed because if his friend was not there, we would have had to rent a storgae locker! However, we would not be able to drive the car because we purchased so many things.
The tip of the story is buy in quantity when items are on a killer sale, but make sure you have enough space to get the items home! Buy Local and Sell Global! Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures