Hello fellow DGers! I am so excited. I have been enrolled in the Success Academy for several months now and have had all my tools in place but yet have not made any deals. I am struggling with balancing an almost 50 hour work week, raising 3 children, and REI. I have an 800 number, business cards, flyers, a website, but I am having a hard time building my buyers list. I have tried google-ing "I buy houses" and looking in the newspaper for investors,I also took down the numbers of remodeling trucks that were at the houses of some REO purchased in my area. I would like to be able to go to the courthouse but Sunday and Monday are my days off, so I pretty much have one day a week to focus on investing. So, I have been in a little bit of a slump for a few weeks, getting a little down on myself for my lack of progress. So, I went to a friends house the other night (who I haven't seen in about 9 years) and she had a few other people over. One of them was, get this, a mortgage broker! After a little bit a built up the nerve to tell him I was getting started in REI. OMG! Just actually saying those words to someone else made my heart race. It made it feel real. The thing that made it even better is that he also has a credit repair business. So, we were talking about being able to work together. If he has someone come in for a mortgage who cannot get approved for as much as they hoped he will send them to me to hopefully find them something. Also, if I have someone who needs a mortgage(obviously) or help in repairing their credit to buy. This meeting was enough to get me out of my slump. I've made flyers which I plan to put in laudramats and supermarkets vestabules in the surrounding area. This was just what I needed to keep me focused. I've decided to start posting a journal online to keep me on track and more accountable. I'm not expecting to make a million dollars this year with only one day a week to focus on investing, however, being diligent and consistent, in time I plan to be a successful investor. At the moment I have no choice but to continue on working at my
Well my laptop is about to die so that's my cue.
Hello there! I'd like to be the first to say
"Congrats, Good Luck and wishing you much success"!
I'm thinking a little different!
Meditation is key, the energy you put out, you'll receive back....10 fold!
I finally connected with the mortgage broker that I'd met who's a friend of a friend. He also has a credit repair biz. i think this relationship will become invaluable. Other than that I've just been plugging away at trying to build my buyers list, it slow going. Also, I'm going to meet up with another DGer in my area. I'm very excited to have someone else to possibly work with or at the least bounce ideas off of. Hopefully this meeting will go well. Tomorrow I'm going to put out my flyers in the local laudramats and supermarket cork boards. Also, going to pull out my trusty phone book and start making some calls.
It doesn't take much to get us moving in the right direction or feel better about what we're trying to accomplish in our lives. RI will never be the same once we get going Jean. Great first step in getting up the nerve to speak to someone, and now you have a valuable contact. We have to build those contacts one by one, and I think it's a slowwwwwww start sometimes, but the ball is rolling and can only pick up speed. One step at a time is what it will take to get us where we need to be. See you soon!
I'm happy to say that today I'm getting off early from work because of the snow. I'm going to use that opportunity to do some work at home. I'm going to post on Craigslist,etc. I'm also going to rerecord my message on my 800# line. I also have several houses that I've seen online in my area that I'm interested in for myself that I have to look into. So I'm hoping that I can actually get something done. A journey of a thousand miles...one step at a time.
Congratulations for starting your journal it is a great way to keep yourself accountable and share your insight and knowledge with other DG Members. Also, congratulations on joining Dean's Real Estate Success Academy, the acadmey is a great resource to help you along the way. The DG website is packed with information and inspiration. You may want to consider joining a local real estate investment club to network with other investors. This is a great way to learn, build a buyer’s list and maybe even find a partner for a few deals. Try to do a little each day to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Unfortunatly, I was not able to get anything accomplished on the snow day. I have also been really busy at my day job. I so desperately want to quit to devote all my time to this but definately not the right thing to do at this time. I live in a town that is very busy during the summer I'm hoping to use that to my advantage. Summer rentals are really big around here because we are on the beach. I'm hoping to meet a fellow DGer tomorrow. I think having someone else will be good for me because I don't have anyone to talk to about REI. I'm too far away from the only place I've found that has meetings. I'm not too far because I'm not willing to drive but because the meeting are about 45 minutes away at a time when I'm still at work. I'm determined to make this work even if I've hit some bumps in the road.
I had a GREAT meeting with a fellow RI GDer. She gave me a lot of great ideas that I can't wait to implement. I hope that this meeting will lead to good things. I also hung up some flyers today at local grocery stores. I'm actually nervous that someone will call. GULP. The good thing is that I have the 24 hour line so I don't have to answer the phone.
I had told you I was going to make you hang those flyers in Panera and then I forgot. But you followed through and have them out there where the public can see them. And the grocery store is a great place since everyone needs to get food eventually! Way to go Jean and we'll chat again soon.
Didn't get anything accomplished today. It's a damp, cold, slushy day here. No motivation. Tomorrow.
I just want to wish you luck.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
You have already taken so many more steps than I have toward your goal. But with your schedule it may just take a bit longer than others that may not have the time constraints (job and little ones) keeping them busy. Be proud of what you have accomplished so far and keep taking those steps forward.
I will bring my copies of Empowering Conversations to you to watch so you can get encouraged and get some great ideas from the Jureks on making an action plan and doing something on that plan to keep moving in a positive direction. Let me know when you're free and I will get those DVDs to you to watch. Keep smiling!
Thanks for the encouragement! I need it. I have so much enthusiasm but a lot less opportunity. So I try to make the most of the time I have. I also have some paperwork for you Kristen. I'm going to make copies of some of the papers that I showed you the other day. Mostly, for tracking advertising, evaluating property repairs and a few others. PM or call me to set up another day to meet on, you know I need time to prepare. lol
I will get in touch with you soon and we can exchange paperwork and the DVDs.
Keep up the good work! I have the REI meeting tomorrow in Warwick and will let you know how long they go and what happens. I went and made some business cards at Staples and will be able to pass them out. TAP Investments, which is Tally, Alex, and Peter.
Well in classic Jean style I goofed up. To all you newbies out there make sure check ckeck and check again before you hang up a flyer. I decided to call my 800# to see if I got any calls, so I use the flyer to call. The number doesn't ring or anything it just disconnects, so I'm thinking there is a problem with my account. I call PATLIVE and they tell me "your account is fine". So,I repeat the number to her and I have the wrong number on ALL my flyers that I hung up! I amaze myself sometimes, how do I make it through the day.lol I'm going to try to reprint them with the write number this time.
Today is supposed to be the day I get things done but couldn't. I had an appointment today at 12:30 and the rest of the day my kids were relentless. The next three days I have to work 11 hours so I probably won't get much done then either. I have big plans coming but I don't want to reveal it yet. Just in case it doesn't play out. Friday is the big day where I will make my decision.
I am dying to find out what is coming! Make sure to let us know by Friday...
I've definately decided to leave my job. The thing is, I'm not sure when because, I have some bonus money coming and if you leave before it's awarded they can choose to not give it to you. So, it's only an extra couple of weeks hopefully. I've had ENOUGH of this place. I just keep thinking all day how I could be better spending my time. I could be spending more time with my kids (how many times have I said this) and making the most of the rest of the time. I would love to be able to drive around looking for vacant houses, going to the courthouse or townhall, calling landlords, calling remodelers, real estate agents, etc but I feel so guilty.
So now I can live the life that we all deserve. Working to make our lives better not the lives of our employers. To them noone is replaceable. Well I beg to differ. I want to "work" with people who have the same goals as I do. I don't want to be 55 years old working wondering when and if I'll be able to retire because I'm still living paycheck to paycheck. We only have one chance in life, I've made plenty of mistakes, but I don't want to look back and regret not taking the biggest opportunity I ever been given. If I fail it won't be the first time, but I have a feeling this time that won't happen. Because I won't let it.
You had hinted about this, but if you are so sure then it is the definite move to make. For you and your children. Maybe we can form a partnership to get started racking up those properties and making a name for ourselves in the Ocean State.
Have you considered attending the EDGE event in May? If so I am still thinking of going, especially if I had a partner to share the cost with...
Will get together soon and bring those DVDs to you. Keep up the progress!
I would love to the only thing is that I'm nervous to spend that kind of money when I'm not making any on REI yet. Plus I would have to arrange for babysitting and stuff like that. I don't want to leave you hanging until the last minute, but I'm not sure. I'll e-mail you directly. ttyl.
How are things going for you? Anything to update us about? I haven't seen you on the news so I guess you have not harmed your boss or any other jerky co-workers. I will PM you later about meeting within the next few days. Keep smiling!
No I haven't hurt anyone yet. I've actually been having a REALLY good month at work. I'm not longer on my bosses you know what list. I may have a prospect so I don't have to quit my job but can just change positions. The other position only work 8-4 M-F. I mean how more perfect could that be? So wish me luck. ttyl
PS I have a really good news about my personal search for a house
I may have a prospective first deal in the works. It is a 4/3 Victorian with a detached garage. It has beatiful stained glass window and many other period decor. It was first put on the market over 500 days ago for $395k now it has been reduced to $249k. It does need work. It is an estate sale. I'm going next Monday to look inside I've only seen it from the outside. This house is going to be for me so I'm willing to put money into fixing it up (over time). Since it's been on the market so long I'm really hoping that they'll be open to creative financing. I can't get a traditional mortgage because I lack job history not due to bad credit or lack of funds. Which is all the more frustrating, however, it makes me glad that I bought Dean's book and now know the strategies provided to help me overcome this obstacle. I would have had this dilema wether I bought his book or not. Now I have the tools to help me deal with it. So, I'm hoping that next week when I see the house on the inside it's not too far gone. I think that I know what it's going to look like because they had quite a few photos on the website. The exterior was as I'd expected the paint was a little dingey in a few places because the yard has some big trees blocking the sun. In the pictures that were posted it looked like the wood floors need to refinished or replaced.
I got a call on my 800# today. They hung up but at least someone called. Also, I'm going on Monday at 10am to the house I mentioned in my last post. It's a good sign that the REA hasn't asked me if I'm prequalified (which seems to be the first thing they always ask). Even though this is hopefully going to be for me I think once I cpmplete a deal using the strategies that I'm learning I'll feel more comfortable in the world of Real Estate.
A call finally! Maybe they got nervous and hung up, but will call again when they get the courage. Good luck with that house. I hope they are open to more creative financing so you can get a deal and a home for your family.
I had an idea today. I was headed home today from going out and I wanted to put up some flyers. I wanted to hang them in laundramats. First off I had my kids in the car and I wanted to put them somewhere that I could just run in and out. Anyway I drove all around my area and only found one. Well, when I got home I googled laudramats in my county and actually found a website. It gives a listing of locations across the country. Just click on your state. So now Iknow where to go tomorrow.
P.S. I'm going to look at a house tomorrow. I'm really hoping that it goes well.
Ok so I went to look at a house today. I was amazed. The inside of the house was like a time capsule. The house is a hundred years old but was in really good condition. The problems were mostly exterior. It needs new shingles because they are asbestos and it needs a new porch. The interior had lead paint and needs new windows and some electric work. It mostly needs TLC to bring it back to it's original beauty. Unfortunately, it's too much for me. The realtor told me that someone else had put in an offer but could not get a traditional mortgage and had to get a construction loan. Obviously, it didn't sell so it must need more work and money than I can handle. Also, after I left today I got an e-mail from my realtor saying that the listing agent may have received an offer. So, onward and upward.
I just got caught up on your journal. and foremost great choice on joining the success academy.they really did a great job for me I still use them today, Not as much.They are probably glad I really used to wair them out. But I must admit. They never did complain and always returned my calls. Keep us posted. I have to keep up with what going on.
You just reminded me that I haven't been using the Coach line enough. My work schedule is kinda crazy and when I think of it it's too late. I'm going to go out of my way to call once a week just to get back in the habit.
So yesterday was not how I planned but I think that I may have another house on the horizon. I'm waiting for my realtor to get back to me. It's new construction,3/1, with a river view, 1500 sq. ft., originally $259k not reduced to $199k. The appraisal values came out on Monday so I'm going to look at the new list of house values. Also, I'm hoping that they will be open to a lease option or seller financing.
Just don't give up. Sounds like great advice and I need to listen to it myself. I have gotten into a rut lately and not meeting my own goals. Snapping out of that wet rut today. Got some numbers to call for buyers and will be trying out some Craigslist ads this afternoon. And some guy left me a message about Private Money so I definitely want to call him back. May be some sales pitch but I will give it a whirl.
Tomorrow I will be home from work because two of my kids are sick. So, I am going to try to get some RE stuff done. Most importantly rerecord my 800# and make and hang some new flyers. Lastly, I want to post some ghost ads.
I hope that I can get it done. I have a plan for hanging the flyers.
I want to do this. I can do this. I've decided to take it one step at a time. I tried to take on too much and ultimately have accomplished nothing. So after listening to the call the other night and what all the top dogs did when they started I'm going to get back to basics. If it worked for them I see no reason why it won't work for me.