Bill G's Journal

Bill G's Journal

I guess for some time I had it in the back of my mind that if I ever got into trouble with college then real estate would be my fall-back. That was over 6 years ago and it was with my last bit of money I purchased Dean's "Think A Little Different" course and I'm still re-reading the entire set of books and listening to the CD's. I am still learning a lot about real estate and I try to get involved or dabble here and there including my first REIClub meeting.

I've been a stay at home dad for several years since my wife's postpartum. It was difficult at first and I just became a Mr. Mom for a mixed family of eight. Sometimes life can be very over whelming even just stepping outside the house at times. Fear is a learned response and can be unlearned...however, being involved with section eight housing and fearing the loss of housing to live on the streets is a very real fear. The matter is beating the fear and replacing it with an income so we can move into a real home that's large enough for all of us; living in a small 4bd apartment is really stressful.

My mission today is to contact several property managers and home owner insurance companies to fill in the blanks on my cash flow analysis form. I am designing my business card, and I have future plans to visit several title/Escrow companies to hopefully learn more on a first name basis.

One thing on due diligence, going for the 20% to 30% below FMV. Is this based upon the comps and your cash flow analysis? I'm going to learn all I can and get my family off the state, we deserve better!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


Aerospaceman (Bill G.), I applaud you for stepping up to the plate to keep your family together. My family and I went through a situation some time ago when my wife was involved in an automobile accident. We went from a two income house hold to a one income house hold and I've been doing it by myself for a long time now too. As with you this is my ticket out. I am working now and have been for quite some time thanks to GOD! But I've always said that I would rather work for myself. I've been a DG member for a little while and let me tell you, your connected to the right place. Stay on track with what your doing and keep moving forward.When or if things seem to get a little trying log on and share or send me a private message we'll keep one another on track. We've already got one thing in common, lets see if we can reach success together.

Something New

Going to the DG Family website you pick up on things and other times you read an article that has a link you can visit. Today I went to a link and I learned Something New:

"...since I had found a real estate agent who also invests, I was also able to use the resources that she uses in her deals. So I now had access to a great real estate lawyer as well as a mortgage broker, along with a recommended property inspector. That saved me loads of work and time. My power team was now complete!"(Adem Hamidovi, thePhantomWriters Article Submission Service).

I never gave this much thought in trying to put my team together that one person may have a collection of skilled professionals in tow which represent additional powerful resources for you to access.

You learn Something New every day and it starts right here on the DG website!

Go Team!

Bill G.

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Ben Franklin


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


Thank You lbrown, those auto accidents can drain you all the way around. The drop in personal income can also be a killer because the stress level changes etc. That's the ticket! I agree we both need to get our ride out of where we are at and get some well deserved life. We can do this because GOD is the light and the way...or if the great spirit of the universe imparts some energy BAMM! Sometimes my beliefs are the only thing that holds me steady on course and this website of wonderful people help add to the feeling inside that keeps growing. I'll keep you up to date on how things are going and GOD willing, progress will be made and it may take some time but in the long run we will succeed!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Suddenly F-R-O-Z-E

The phone was in my hand and I was about to dial numbers to several property managers and insurance agencies when...I F-R-O-Z-E! My life has been filled with calling everyone from guidance counselors to principals, doctors to dentists, and many other professional people dealing with the well being of my family and children. However, when it comes to stepping out of my shadow of comfort and into the light of change; I F-R-O-Z-E! Fear is an emotional response to the fight or flight response of self preservation inherent in every human being. Don't you wish you could just turn it off and get on with your life? Sometimes we let the dumbest things stop us in our tracks and have no real explanation as to why we are stopping. The best I can do is check the station (DG Site) to see if there is anything new to help me get past this roadblock and try again tomorrow because I will: Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Bill G

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


The old show on TV was called CBS Sunday Morning and I use to watch Charles Kuralt talking about doing something, anything, instead of being a couch potato. Go out and get yourself an adventure, talk to people, discover something about yourself you never knew before - he called this wanderlust. I keep wondering about this idea and look back at what I have done in my life and ask myself is it enough? Can I do more with my life and do more for others around me? Then there was that little tid bit told to me by my then girlfriend who is now my wife...that I had touched other peoples lives in college. Did I really do that? Did I want that kind of responsibility? How does that all fit into my life today? We all have decisions to make and the blurb I heard from Anthony Robbins is the difference between those who sit and those who do are the actions they take; the gut decisions leaders make that others are afraid to make. Knowledge isn't good enough...action alone is not good must be totally focused and committed to the idea or it will not take place. So it's time to get off the couch and focus on changing me because if I don't, action will not occur. I'm reminded of an old saying...if you focus on results, nothing will happen - if you focus on change, anything is possible. Till next time, I'm going to make some changes tomorrow.

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Change is Good

I DID IT !!! Today I called several people including those who have bandit signs, property managers, and insurance companies. I actually made the calls and talked to real people who were more than happy to talk to me and accepted me as a real estate investor. Whoopee!! Yahoo!! and it feels kind of surreal if not awesome! I mean its not like doing up-selling or anything because you are actually carrying on active conversations to gather intelligence. It's so freakin wild! Yea Baby! Ya gotta try this and if this don't make you motivated to do more I don't know what will except more of us telling you to go out and do it!!!! When Monday comes around I have more calls to make and some calls will be coming back to me as I left messages with live reps, dig it man!

One of my calls was to Brad, who had a bandit sign and he immediately asked if I had anything for him i.e. a house for rehab in the $100k to $150k price range. He said when I did to give him a call back and that we should get together after the holidays. He even gave me a breakdown of where I should look for houses and neighborhoods to avoid.

To Be or Not To Be...That is The Question -Wm. Shakespeare

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


Yippee for you! I can tell how exciting this is for you. In the beginning I was nervous about talking to cash investors because I thought they'd think I was just an unexperienced person taking up their time. On the contrary they've shared their knowledge and I've enjoyed talking and learning from them.

I wish you the best with your meeting with Brad and look forward to hearing how it goes. Sounds like you are setting yourself up for some very positive things to happen in 2010! Smiling

I wish you the best in REI and all that you do.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Merry Christmas!

Everybody Pauses and stares at me;
My Business cards are gone you see;
I don't know who to blame for this catastrophe;
But my one wish on Christmas Eve is as plain as it can be!

All I want for for Christmas;
is my DG Books;
my DG Books;
all three DG Books!

Gee, if I could only;
have my DG Books;
then I could wish ya'll;
"Merry Christmas."

It seems so long since I could say;
"Dean is making another deal!"
Gosh oh gee, how happy I'd be;
If only I could do a real estate deal ("get a better life!")

All I want for for Christmas;
is my DG Books;
my DG Books;
all three DG Books!

Gee, if I could only;
have my DG Books;
then I could wish ya'll;
"Merry Christmas."

Original Lyrics written in 1944 by Donald Gardner and recorded by Spike Jones & His City Slickers on December 6, 1948

P.S. Credit given to above artists and a "Merry Christmas!"


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Just Another Manic Thursday

I just arrived back home a short bit ago from the emergency room at the local hospital where they were treating my wife. She has a huge infection inside her abdominal area in the intestinal pockets, guess that's par for my current course in life. This is what I want to change, make my families life much better than it is achieve more because I know deep down that there has to be more, and Dean is showing us, and other students showing us there is another way of life. I'm going back through the course, doing all the exercises, and trying to find a way to print out my journal and kick myself in the rump to jump start my brain. Get my team together and do this up without looking back...and listening to the Henry V speech and anything else for motivation. Lets all keep moving forward and share the information because no one gets left behind! We're family! A Tribe! HooYa!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Deans New Your Town Book

Today is my 49th birthday (02/13) and as I look back and wonder where the time went, it's hard to imagine that I have a wife and family. It feels like only yesterday that I was in high school or the military and that that was a very long time ago. Anyhow I have just enough money to get Dean's new "Your Town..." book and kit for the $39.95 deal; I just wish I could get his other book or books. Guess I'm happy to be able to afford these books and make some progress. I'll blow out my candles and make a wish...a wish that everyone will have a better life than the one they have right now and that when you look back, you'll have a new vision for moving forward into the light of a new life. God Bless all of the DG Family!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


My wife tried to order the a set of books but it turned out to be the wrong set. We called customer service and was informed that we must refuse the shipment. The UPS guy delivered a white box with blue print and I refused shipment, he said no problem and took it back. The next day, they bring it back? another white box with blue print?? I again refuse it so they take it back. All I want is the "Your Town" and "Profit From" books set. Nothing so far has been credited back to my wife's card so we sit and wait. She hates the idea of me reading or spending any time with real estate. It takes away from her time with me or visa-versa. She is very negative and I am slowly beginning to go her way. I don't care about section 8 anymore, I don't care about getting thrown out on the streets because I know this can work! I want a different life! I want to do my own life where I can spend time helping my family and others! I know there is more to life than suffering! I have not lived this long to just rollover and give up!


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Book Deal

Hi Everyone!

Just received my book set in the mail consisting of the "Your Town, Your Real Estate Profits", "Profit From Real Estate Right Now", two DVD's, and the Probate Finder. So if you don't hear anything I'll be going ga-ga over the set! I thought I would never get the book set but look what happened! WOW!! Now it's time to get serious!


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

"POP!", "CLICK!", "BANG!"

The light bulbs are beginning to go off in my head as I read my first book: "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". The details that have been skipped over by so many articles and other readings have jumped out of the pages of this book and beg me to follow them like a treasure hunt. Well for once in my life I am going to follow the clues and find the treasure.

Hey Dean! I use to live down in Mesa...and attend Hale Elementary when there were no buildings for miles! A short walk to school meant getting a few tangerines from the orchards. Anyhow I'm doing the reading and the assignments too! It's lots of fun! It is filling in the blanks and things are becoming a little more clearer as I read, Thank You!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Snort - Did I Do That?

Looking through my emails I received a generic notice from the local REI club about someone needing a small 1 to 2 bed home to rent for the next 3 to 4 years before transferring to Louisiana for retirement.

At the same time I was going through craigslist and found a house I believed would fit the need. So I sent this information:

there are none on craigslist.. none in the paper? all with management companies? I put a note on about finding a place for my long term renter as I want to sell.. needs a 1-2 br in the valley with a garage for his woodworking. . older single guy will rent for 3-4 years until he retires and goes back to Louisiana most likely so doesn't want to buy.. very quiet.. hardly no visitors.. state job.. paying $550 for 5 years.. we are having a little sticker shock, but he understands inflation.. please let me know if you have anything.. I have someone who might want to lease option for $800 per mo right now.. moving over from Anacortes.. THANKS!!!

Nice Cottage Rental House located in the Spokane Valley near Millwood, the Rocket Bakery, Bottles, and the Argonne Library. Approximately 650 sq. ft. of living space, 1 Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, gas heat, small wood patio and detached 1 car open garage (240 sq. ft.). Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher and Washer/Dryer. Available March 26th

• cats are OK - purrr
• dogs are OK - wooof
• Location: Near Millwood in Spokane Valley

Next thing I know I am receiving an email about the house and being asked how much I want for the home, or how much rent? Or who is the point of contact. Now, I just finished my first read through of the BARM and I'm really freaking out!, thinking I've done something really wrong! I got the shakes, my wife is looking at me like I've totally lost my mind and I got no wall to lean or slump against. Has anyone else had this kind of reaction or is the way its suppose to go?

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Action Stations!

The call to action in the BARM and Your Town has got me doing and taking action. My first business purchase was a few sheets to print out my 100 business cards and will be getting colored paper to do flyers next. The bandit signs are a little more difficult to come by as there are no places around here who make the plastic versus an expensive sign shop. I almost thought of a piece of cardboard covered with clear weatherproof tape and I would find wire. The only thing giving me the butterfly's is using my house phone number as I don't have a second line. Either way you look at it, I'll have my business cards to begin and I'll keep reading and taking action!

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Losing Section Eight

We received a letter in the mail that said we have lost our section eight pending an informal hearing. The letter went on to describe how we have till the end of May to pay full rent or face eviction and end up on the streets. Please pray that we figure this out and come out on a positive note. In the mean time I have to get flyers and business cards printed and take major action so this never happens to my family again!

Trying to put in for any jobs that come my way to delay the impending action and to remain both positive, and have good liquidity.

Bill G.

P.S. Met a Realtor and a Broker who have no problem mentoring me in real estate. The broker says I'm knowledgeable about real estate and wonders why I haven't tried to get my brokers license?


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


The Navy was my home for almost 10 years and I never got scared or feared anything but I did a lot of soul searching. The difference here is the fear of failure to provide for my family, the fear of ending up on the streets, the fear of having done nothing right to promote a positive successful life for myself and those around me to be my safety net. My travels have put me into life threatening situations, placed others into life or death decisions, and have seen and done things any ordinary folk would crawl into a corner and try to be part of the paint. This is where I tread lightly and my stick is this support group of DG Family members who may have experienced the same or similar situation and provide insight and give positive support and prayer in my families hour of need. I'll let you know how this comes out....

Bill G.


Never Give Up, Never Surrender!


I'm sorry to hear about the problem with section 8 and hope that you don't lose it. You have faced a lot in your past and no doubt learned a lot from it. I'm glad you found 2 mentors who are willing to help you in REI. Keep moving on in a positive way as you are already. Remember it is the darkest before the dawn. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.

I wish you the best in all you do and much success in REI.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC