Steven55. Journal

Steven55. Journal

Hi everybody I starting my journal today 12/02/09. I just finish reading deans profit from real estate right now about 2week ago and last night I just join the real estate success academy. I am so charge up that I hardly slept last night. I know I can do this with their help, nothing will stop me from my dreams. thank you Dean G.


Steve G journal 2

today is 12/31/09 at 10:15 pm. thought I would letyou know I will be set my goal for me this come year, which I have never done before. I am working througth the success academy to make it easier to get started and I am putting a buyers list and seller list together. once that is done than I can real get started on deals. will post my progest as I go long.


Congrats on starting your journal, joining the Success Academy, and setting your goals! Great job on taking action! That is the biggest step in starting out in REI, so you are on your way!!! Looking forward to hearing great things as you continue on your REI journey. Smiling



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Congrats on setting your Goals for the year

It gonna be amazing... I am just getting started but looking for people to network and trying to get over the fear.

I am looking forward to reading your updates!


Life is not about the storm thats brewing, its about Dancing in the Rain!

Steve G. 3

Holly cows did not know I had it in me, this is getting very very amazing. To day I call all of the local small banks in town and talk to them about all the banks owned houses they have. 4 of the banks are willing to work with me Holly cows.Nexts week I go talk to them holly cows me talking to a banker a about investing holly cows. thank you dean family for all the help!!!!!!!!
Steve G

Steve G,

Congratulations on finding these 4 gems. The small local banks are one of your best resources and if you work with them to create a win-win deal anything is possible. Good luck and keep us posted as these potential deals work out. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Good luck Steve!! that is

Good luck Steve!! that is awsome that they want to talk to you. try to use Joe's strategy and get them to fund you 100%,tell them its a win/win, you get the property and they get the house off their books. JMO
Are you related to the late Phil Rizzuto?? HOLY COW.....

Steven G. journal

well it been sometime for me to write in the journal, so while I am getting ready to listen to dean tonight, I thought I would up date my journal. I talk to the banks and I can work with one bank's reo list. My realitor that I was working with changed jobs and now is not a realitor. That stinks!! But I have found a new realitor and he is all ready getting stuff together that we will need to put together some great deals. I am still working on my buyer list I have three investors that will work with me and still growing. I have talk to some FSBO but have not put together anything. still staying focus on the deal, I am getting closer to getting a house under contract. still moving foward. take easy and stay focus steve

Hi Steve!

Geeze, I just realized you had a journal! That's great, I can check in on you now (hehe). Nice job with the bank, I still have to find one of those little buggers!
Sorry I haven't called, I just got a house under contract yesterday so I've been busy with that (and lovin' it!). Sticking out tongue I'll see if I can get a hold of you later today or this weekend, ok? Glad to hear you got a new realtor. Mine just finally woke up and realized I mean business. He didn't believe I could do it, HA! Anyway, keep doing what you're doing and I'll be in touch!



Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie


Well met with my new relitor today he has 12 houses to look at which we will start on tue. I gave him 7 more houses to check out.hope we will do my frist deal out of this group. getting closer and staying focused.

Steve G.


met with my realitor today, check his list of houses pick 5 to check out, whened through my list pick 4 more houses to check out 3 are bank owned on the list for over 90 days the other house met the owner and she wants to sell real fast. she would take any offer.going to check every thing out. getting all my ducks in a row. staying focus on the deals.

it 's starting

help I need the dg family backing I handed out one of my cards to a guy in the area we were looking at houses, because he said he loost his job. Well across the street was a house with sale pending sign on it. today I det a email from the owner the sale pending house she is not happy with the deal that her realitor has gotten her. So she wants me to come over fri. to talk with her. how can I get her to go with me on the deal. this will be my first time I will be going to talk to a real seller. Any thing you can give me to help me do this deal. thanks steve

moving foward

today I did my first property inspection by myself. I went to the home owner who called me, to talk to them. to find their hot button. it went really good. the house is inreally great shape,it has a pool and a hot tub. they are not happy with the deal the realitor got them so they are looking for a different deal. I will be talking to them this weekend after i do some digging.this is real starting to work and i am staying focues thanks for all the help steve