Joined the Academy yesterday! (Against my husbands wishes!) I am doing this pretty much on my own. No words of encouragement from anyone so far. Everyone says I'm crazy or it won't work... But that's ok, I like a challenge.
Your hopes and wishes are your own -- do not change them to make others happy.
"Together we can make it happen"
I know how you feel! Been there! Just know that you have all the support you need right here and you WILL succeed!
Keep in touch.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
I finally convinced my wife about the academy. She didn't want to spend the money we don't have.
Anyway, it will work! Just look at all the people here who have made it! Every time I get a little discouraged, I read the posts from Rina, CBRPOWER, WEALTH2009 and many others and say "Hey, they can do it! So can I!"
Hang in there! One thing I have learned here, don't be afraid to post your questions even if they seem stupid to you. Chances are someone here have experienced the same problem or has the same question but afraid to ask.
Thanks everyone for your support. I've had a few set backs. I was thrown from my horse and went to ER, I am ok now. This just slowed me down some. I bought a laptop. I posted my website on Craigslist today and I recieved my business cards yesterday. It's a start...
Check out my site:
"Together we can make it happen"
Hi Bunnie!
Just remember, you're never alone!
Always ask questions and we'll try to help you out.
Good job on the website!
I registered for mine but haven't had the time to start anything on it.
So good for you for doing it!
Don't forget to drive as much online traffic as you can to your website.
Add it your business cards (I'm glad you have them already), flyers, when you email people, when you talk to people online, email your friends, etc.
Don't let negativity stop you from your goals!
We're here for you to CHEER YOU ON!
Follow My Journey to Real Estate Success!
It is the nature of man to rise to Greatness if Greatness is expected of him.
– John Steinbeck
I don't work for money, money works for ME!
- Robert Kiyosaki
It's been months since I've been been on this site or did anything with my course. I have alot of excuse but no one to blame but myself. I've allowed others to stop me from fulfilling my dreams, but no more!
I just lost my Father on the 12th and within the same week I walked out of my marriage with no place to go. Stayed in motel for two days and found apartment to rent in one day. A co-worker called and she needed a place to stay so now I have a room-mate. I do not like renting but for now I have a roof over my head and able to help someone else as well.
All this in the last two weeks.
So talk about determination !!!
I have great drive, ambition and confidence in myself and I will suceed! I have been given many Blessings and plan on returning them to others in need!
I know Deans investing is the correct path for me. He is my inspiration.
Time to get started...
"Together we can make it happen"
Determination...yes that is the right word. With that we will all lead to prosperity...thanks for you inspirational journal...dom
I have submitted my first offer today!!! I have a buyer who is putting $500 Earnest money paying closing cost and down payment. Doing a lease option. I will let you all know how it goes.
Wish me luck....
"Together we can make it happen"
Congratulations on your first offer! And on having a buyer lined up!
Let us know how it goes.
Sounds like you've been doing your homework. This is just one of MANY to come. It would be awesome to get that first deal on your first offer!
P.S. Just reading back through your journal, I wanted to applaude you for sticking to it despite all the hardships. Very proud of you.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Thank you Rina so much! I have not been on the site in awhile and have had a few set backs but I am going forward with my dreams! I know with Deans help and everyones encouragement that I will be sucessful in Real Estate!
Strength, Determination,and Confidence is the Key,
Dreams Are A Reality!
Thank you again!
"Together we can make it happen"
wishing you the very best of luck in your NEW LIFE.
Hi Bob,
Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping bye.
I love your comment: Your "NEW LIFE" I never really thought about it that way but you are so right! Thank you so much for my new perspective!!!
Keep in touch,
"Together we can make it happen"
Congrats on your first offer!! Let us know how it goes. This is my first time to your journal and I love the NAME of it
Best wishes to you and keep us posted.
Sounds like you are pressing forward to your dreams! Something to be proud of for sure! God bless you in your recent hardships. And congrats for moving forward. Can't wait to see where you end up!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter:
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning:
May 12th, 2010
Alot has happened, I am now divorced as of January. I purchased a Hud Foreclosure and moved in Febuary. I paid $65,000, 3,300 in escrow, $700 back at closing, and $6,500 home buyers tax credit. My property is valued at $160,000. I have made Real Estate Investing my full time job. A slow start but not stopping now!
Never give up!!!
Believe in yourself!
My personal story to come...
"Together we can make it happen"
Congrats are in order Bunnie
Sorry things didn't work out in your marriage, but obviously you feel you made the right decision so congrats again
Best to you
I have some contacts in the ATL area if you are interested
Hit me up at elixbrown @ gmail dot com and we'll speak further
Thank you! I am currently working in the Savannah Area but I will take you up on the Atlanta Contacts. Look forward to talking with you.
Thanks again,
"Makin Your Dreams A Reality!" LLC
"Together we can make it happen"