I found an easy Hard Money Lender to work with

I found an easy Hard Money Lender to work with

Evan Yount
Business Development Manager
864.527.2891 Office
919.414.-9900 Mobile
866.567.2366 Facsimile
[email protected]

He is with SDI funding. He is the only Hard Money Lender that took the time to explain things to me and was very patient. I am obviously a newbie!

Tell him Ericka Matta said Hi!


hard money lender

hey, Oz
how are you doing, i do live in boston and would like to ask you if your lender can deal w/ me ? please let me know

Yeah he can help you. In

Yeah he can help you. In fact, he is located in Greenville, SC. Give him a call he is great. Let him know that I referred you. I don't get anything for it but I really want him to know that I appreciate him for being so helpful.
Good Luck!!
Ericka Matta (Oz's Wife, Ha!Ha!)


I emailed him and I'll call him this week. He should be able to help me in Charlotte. I've been having problems finding a HML that will return messages and emails.

Thanks again Ericka.


Does Evan (and SDI) work

Does Evan (and SDI) work with people in NYC?

I'm a beginner, but have my eyes on a pretty nice deal. What do you think?

RataSan, I would say to just


I would say to just give him a call. Evan is great, I'm sure if he can't help you (I don't see why he wouldn't be able to) he will direct you to someone who can.


Hi Ericka,

I gave Evan a call today. We'll see what happens next.


Thanks Ericka

I'll send him an email introducing myself.

Thanx again.

Ericka Ericka Ericka!!!

I REALLY hope your guy can become my guy as well!!! I just came across the MOTHER LOAD of pre-tax sales listings.. and BOY O' BOY do I need a HML. It's 3:15 in the morning and I CAN'T SLEEP!! Oh! Just got an idea!!... craigslist...

hard money lender

do you have to be a mmember with SDI? The reason I ask is that I have used Brookview financial out of connecut and I had to give them a thousand dollars for the first year and now that the first year is up, I can pay for another year or two.

jm3201, No, there are no

No, there are no membership fees. A least, I was never asked to pay any. You got lucky with Brookview. They wouldn't even talk to me, LOL!

RataSan, It seems we are

It seems we are more creative at 3am.........craigslist is great, I may have also found a private investor in my area.
Under real estate - by owner for sale:
I listed some details about a property that I found. I also advised that I will draw up the paperwork and they can have it reviewed by their lawyer. And that the money they buy the house with will go through a title company.
It looked like this:
Looking for Investment Partner
We found a property for $40,000 and needs $25,000 in repair. The market value is $100,000 - $120,000. The home down the street, similar in size sold for $140,000.
This is in Memphis, TN. The money you will lend will go through the title company. I will draw up the paper work and you can have your lawyer review if you'd like. If you are interested please call or email me!!

SDI Funding does not do business in NY or Boston.

I got this from the SDI Funding website FAQ section.

What states do you lend in?
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama.

Being from Boston I'll have to find someone else. Best of luck to you Oz. I hope your deals work out great for you.


Awwww man! Sorry Stephen. If

Awwww man! Sorry Stephen. If I find any other ones I will let you know!!

Thanks Ericka...

I've been catching my "breaks" at that time of night. It's crazy!! They say hard work creates luck... Well one of the first times I stayed up ridiculously late, I stumbled upon a pre-foreclosure list (yet to be determined whether it is outdated or not, but my letters will go out tomorrow - WISH ME LUCK).. Last night, I was researching the taxes on those properties and BANG!! a tax lien list just jumps out at me!! I'll be preparing to send letters out to those owners as well!!

I posted two(2) forums on tax sales/foreclosures. Can you visit and shed some light on my questions.

Thanks Fam.
