So I wanted to start a new journal I started with Dean 5yrs ago and saw him on tv ordered his books & couple mo's later in late Dec 2010 I read them reread them & just barely now I understand now what he was saying, time to reread them again.j
I had quit my job in 2010 (big mistake:) to do RE & got on disability, struggled a few yrs making offers at first w/no buyers, no real educ yet but I got rockbottom bluperint in 2011 I believe or w/it 2012 cant remember.
Then joined insiders elite, learning every day, going to local reia's, then I got my 1st deal in Jan 2013 a bird dog deal I made $1,350 not a lot but it gave so much confidence.
then went to the edge 2013 & I met another investor named Makeba that some know on here who has been absent here but & I co wholesaled w/her 2 deals in Sept 2013. Then in 2014 I did 2 deals & made 8k & in 2015 I have done 4 deals & made $20,500 so getting faster now & better.
I have done 9 deals so far & am going thru 4 weeks to freedom prog again & making sure I am doing everthing to the letter to start doing a deal a mo by the end of the yr & making 17k a mo that is my goal & I am sayinng it to hold myself accountable.
I am now going to post daily how my day went too to keep myself accountabe even if no one reads it or you get sick of me I am going to keep posting daily I dont know maybe it can help someone. I have learned a lot over the last 5 yrs, I have made prob over 1000 offers and prob worked with about 60 agents so I have gained some knowledge.
I also went to a VIP after last yrs edge & watched a lot of educ on insiders elite w/I need to get back it is totally worth it to get the bigger package w/the personal coaches or life coaches Dean was right about mindset.
the strategies are the same for everywhere w/is diff is our mindset do we have the right onne or the wrong one.
Anyway, I am also going thru Deans winnning state of mind w/go thru it tomorrow & mon & tue.-again to keep myself accountable. I w/love to see dg superstars here again w/i have not seen in a while too, hopefully, you know you are!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Never will I get tired of you posting here ... Keep on Truckin' and this shall be the best days of our lives... With DG helping WE WILL GET THERE... sometime soon... Just a matter of time!
73's IM GONE!!!
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. FFA MOTTO
Ben Franklin's Autobiography free audiobook download-
and yes we will get there just a little bit more & we will explode! this is my year 2015! Yours too Bandit! love to hear from you too. We will make the rest of our lives the best of our lives!-Eric Thomas the hip hop preacher
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Hey Tony, 9 deals in 5 years, well I know others who have done less. I like your persistence.
You stay persistent and focused & you will eventually get to your goals.
My battle is with my mind, it's a constant struggle to stay motivated and upbeat and positive.
I hope you and I and all the DG'rs get Prosperous.
Let's make it happen.
I know I am a late bloomer what can I say LOL but yes stepping it up now. My battle is also with my mind! Same thing, I am motivated but persistent & yea maybe sometimes motivated as well & also letting life get in the way but no excuses this yr keeping myself accountable by posting here & I have an accountability partner I talk with on the ph if I have met my goals for the day/week/month/yr.
I am going thru Deans winning State of mind I mentioned w/is helpinng. LIfe is changing & one of my goals is w/I dont think I mentioned is to have eye surgery in about 5 yrs they say to become fully sighted I was born legally blind having central vision or tunnel vision and night blindness, it is called RP short for retinitis pigmentosa.
I use a white cane actually and dont drive-not that i want to drive I wont
even after the operation-I'lll just use Uber, am now & loving it it is changing my life it is cheaper now to be mobile for all of us. God bless.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
so I went to the d0ctor for my kidneys my fam doc referred me to a kidney doc where I wnt today & the doc said I w/fine it was just age prob but is going to do an ulstrasound, said my kidneys were at 60%, I am not worried but I am switiching to a plant based diet.
In fact am going to do a juice detox cleanse prob the Gerson method-its been around ffor a long time & I need it for my health-too many preservatives, white bread, etc in my life. I have been eating well grocery shopping at JImbo's w/is like whole foods or whole paycheck foods
it is expensive but I will save actually on health care costs in the longrun & that is what I am spendiing my RE profits on anyway.
after getting back from my doc's appt at noon I interviewed 5 virtual assistants of which I am choosing or have chosen one & they w/start prob Wed hooray! I w/be having them call agents at first asking for pocket listings amongst other things.
I spoke to my agent over the ph & emaileded a few people & analyzed 2 deals one an offmarket deal that looks great, I offered $185,300 for this hm super motivated seller who owes $ & wants 45k upffront non refundable withing a wk & ARV 370k rehab=15k(it needs hardly anything) prop is in Fontana & lead came from a wholesaler who I culitvated a relationship with .
other lead was 25:1 I made offers well see if they accept. I bought yellow legal pads & pens paid the rent & walked arouond beautiful downtown san diego in the process, so
gorgeous here i am so grateful for livinng here & being alive! Lets go strong people & make offers!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
so today I am struggling to stay organized & positive & continue to make offers. Today I worked on an off market deal sent to me so I sent it to another wholesaler/investor in Riverside bc it is out of my area I am working on San Diego County.
so I sent it to him ARV 375k rehab 30k purch price 210k, I had the other wholesaler deal with the seller since he is a great negotiator & has done many more deals than I have. Well see seller said she would sleep on it.
the lead w/sent from this wholesaler who I met at a reia here. other than that went to this happy hr hosted by one of mmy buyers so I went had a beer had a great time meeting my buyer and reconnecting with this agent who use to send me deals but had stopped thinking that I was not going to get any of his deals since they were thin but I got more buyers that buy more expensively so i told him to send me deals & we talked for an hr & he lives downtown san diego so we planned to hang out & for me to go the next caravan meeting for agents & tell them I am working with him so they w/let me in.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
well today I learned how to comp out props on the MLS here in San diego, I am paying an agents MLS fees & she gives me access. It is cool now I dont have to wait for an agent to give me comps but I do and need to find an agent that will be my buyers agent when listing agents require that you have one-rare but it does happen.
I will find an agent, thought I had a deal from another wholesaler but that fell apart Tue, I will follow up w/that seller tomorrow. I comped out several hm's today sifted thru some leads & also went to the podiatrist for my foot it is killing me.
took x rays getting an mri soon & I hung out w/one of my main buyers who is so gracious & spent time with me & showed me his system or database for foreclosures & said to work them cuz it shows the hm's equity they have & he said if I find the owners & make appts for him to go see the seller he w/give me 5k per deal so maybe I will do that along w/my current efforts.
Exhausted & doing a 3 day cleanse a green juice cleanse & just chillin here in downtown san diego tonight, I am excited to see the posts from other dg'ers who are getting deals it encourages me, I hope I encourage others also that is why I am writing this journal & also to keep myself accountable.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Good to see this, you have goals and staying true to them well done..
I understand the struggles we all have, we have talked you understand what stopped me in my tracks a yr ago and it can be tough at times but staying active is the best way to work through tough times.
I think you are on the right path and looking forward to reading about all the deals you are going to do.
thanks buddy yes keeping on track about to watch 4 weeks to freedom again & take notes make sure I am doing everythng it says. we can do this! Yea man I am staying put & focusing on changing my life I am the only one standing in the my way no one else
Not going to mexico this time too much money & time & a drain on my energy & forwaard momentum so buckling down. So watching 1st video about buyers in 4 weeks, & also preparing my cash sold list for my VA to sort thru monday to find buyers from that. Paying him $4.00, used VA4REI & they suck frankly, I am just finishing out the hours I have left with them which is 24 hrs or 4 hrs a day for wk n half.
Dont anyone use them they charge upfront for 2 weeks & theyre va's are terrible really & they were recommmended highly w/is incredible, person who recommended them told me after they sucked too they pooped out on him too so watch out for VA4REI.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
today just chillin went to church, had a great time went to brunch with the brothers had some great breakfast, eggs bacon, toast, tea & fruit. then went & played frisbee worked up a sweat played for about an hr.
Downtown San Diego is so beautiful gorgeous light hitting the sidewalks & trees & buildings, tall skyscrapers surrounding you, beautiful park & people everyone friendly, I love San Diego downtown specifically, best place I have ever lived.
Love my place my apt I have a little studio but very comfortable, carpeted, warm, there's a pool a hot tub a sauna, a terrace a gym, well I am blessed.
I watched 4 weeks to freedom most of the 1st video on buyers. Time to get busy & make 2015 my best yr ever, to blitz & explode deals, 2 a month not 9 over 5 yrs so cranking it up & posting it here so I can keep accountable.
I would love to hear others goals on how you are going to crank it up too. LMK thanks.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Momentum is building and you seem to have the right mindset on keeping yourself accountable. Best of wishes to future success.
Reynold Orozco
Hows it going for you? good to hear from you yes momentum is building! am cruising thru my goals list for the day. going to call 10 wholeslars 10 & call for rent ads & call 3 expired listings.
I already hired my VA today virtual assitant gve him taks to do which was to compose emails for me by copying nn pasting 300 agents email addresses in to an email, bcc, & then I compose the email & I just sent. He's doing it for wholesalers too & my buyers-so awesome!
it saves me from doing it bc it is so time consuming, no going to call wholesalers.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
man your description of san diego is so fun. makes me want to come there so bad. I hate this lil po dunk town im from. man i want to live in a biiiggg city with millions of people.... lots to see and do....
congratulations man.
much continued success,
Sounds like you have a system going, well done..
You have to tell me more on this Virtual Assistant you have.
You got this
Walt oh yea man I looooove downtown San Diego & SD in general the beaches not so many people but enough to feel like youre in a big city, lots of culture, art, music, amazing food, san diego has some of the best food around truly, we have better tacos than mexico.
Come on down Walt as soon you make enuff profits cuz you are going to need it here man no joke it is expensive
Aaron-thanks man I am systemizing this now with help from 4 weeks to freedom, I am going over that again & also going thru winning state of mind, my life is changing forever! financial freedom & personal freedome here i come, we are changing! if we take action we are!
Today I added 6 more buyers to my list after going to my main reia meet last night & networked like a maniac & got as many cards as I could, & I called them today & got their criteria except for 3 of them so tomorrow I will foloow up. Tomorrow I am making 10 offers, calling 10 wholesalers & calling 10 for rent ads. HOld me to it!
my goal is to make 17k by sept 11th!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Go tony go! Keep going way to take action!
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Thanks for visiting! love to see you reading my journal & I love to read yours. And yes going forward. Thur was busy watched 4 weeks finished video #1 on buyers started video #2 on lead flow & also added 2 buyers to my list, analyzed 2 deals talked to 2 agents & added them to my list to email for pocket listings.
Today watched 4 weeks again on lead flow tomorrow going to hit hard again.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
I have to be honest I didnt make 10 offers, didnt call 10 wholesalers & didnt call 10 for rent ads I am upset about that. I spent too much time evaluating those 2 deals & following up with my buyers I was adding to my list again & answering calls that by the time I wanted to offer/call wholesalers I was done & in a bad mood so I didnt want to be on the ph with anyone.
so last night & right now I am watching again 4 weeks to freedom to make sure I am implementing everything Matt taught in the prog. Knuckling down I want to be off of disablity by this time next yr making 17k a mo, again saying it here to keep myself accountable, I know I can do it, others here are doing it I know. So can I!!!!!!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
on your business and did things that will move you forward.......
way to hang in there buddy. Is deal number 10 in the pipeline ????
keep on keeping on buddy,
yea trying to keep it real, thanks for the encouragement. I am or will be working on my 10th deal nothing at the moment under contract or anything but will hustle come monday really hard to start blitzing like it says in 4 weeks you know.
Today was just party day really, hung out with my boy Gregg we both love music, Dr Dre & NWA so we went to see the movie straight outta Compton & it was fly, had a few cocktails chillin & then went & saw my cuz n had dinner she was visiting from outta town & had some good creme brolet n organic coffe yum.
Tomorrow church, then chill relax & plan for the week n watch or continue to watch 4 weeks & winning state of mind. what is up with n the Weekly wisdom repeating, it is a glitch i think
Go faster do more! GFDM!
so today looked up a prop an uber driver sent me a vacant prop I found out who the buyer was using prop radar(love that prog) & couldn't find their ph# anywhere on line the prop is in a fam trust so I wrote out a letter I w/mail tomorrow.
I went to the doc who did an ultrasound of my kidney's & said they were inflamed & had scar tissue & he wasn't sure why but I know why-bc of eating too many foods that cause inflammation! So am sticking to my plant based diet & going to do a kidney cleanse. I wonder if anyone knows a good kidney cleanse?
I will Google it too & see what I find. Tomorrow is huge day-going to hustle to make things happen! We can do this! We can change our lives! My life is changing for the better every day. I believe in myself, that I can do this. Went to a reia tonight as well & added 5 new buyers to my list plus some hard money people & agents. The talk was great & I took a train an hr to go to the meeting & then uber to the meet w/cost $10. then got a ride hm thank God.
Let's work it!
HOw badly do you want this! I want this badly.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Hey Tony.... Congrats on your 9 deals AND for staying completely motivated and dedicated!!
Like everyone has told you... You are working it!! and will soon be the next HUGE success story!!
Keep it up Man!! I hope to continue on MY journey with at least half of your dedication and enthusiasm.... You are MORE than encouraging!!
**Follow my success in this "30 Days To Real Estate Cash" journey I am on by reading my blog on my profile page....
****Visit my websites at and at
"Whatever I will become will be what God has chosen for me." –Elvis Presley
ematt thanks for the encouragement. Yes we can do this! Today made an offer, sifted through 10 craigslist ads & about 12 zillow ads to make offers but none were suitable on zillow they wanted too much MLS is sooooo competitive am focusing on off market props too.
I have my virtual assistant calling banks for unlisted foreclosures & calling probate attorney's for deals their clients need to sell fast. Have a database going & some contacts now that might have leads in the near future.
I am making offers on the 25 to 1 system too just putting in back up offers & making offers as quickly as possible & also working on getting speculative buyers on my list thru the MLS cash solds too.
Hustling hustling what we have to do to change our lives! If Matt can do it so can I, we!!!!!!!
PS have also lost weight about 8 pounds since I started eating organic whole foods for like couple of mo's now & excercising walking, sit ups push ups & cardio. I always try to sweat every day.
My life is changing!!!!!! I also got this cool haircut I go to a stylist now & have a cleaning lady coming once a wk to clean my apt!!!!! Love that!!!!! I dont have to clean & the time I would have spent cleaning I can just go do another deal. Going to hire a lady or guy to go grocery shop for me too & do my laundry!!!!!!! exciting!!!!!!!! Love you guys
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Momentum is building again my virtual assistant is calling agents here in san diego county & we are up to 400 agents in our database & I had him email them last week to ask for pocket listings & letting them know that we would donate 10% of our profits to finding the cure for blindness since I am legally blind!
Man it was a hit! A broker had lunch with me today who has only one eye, the email my VA sent caught his eye no pun intended
LOL It was a hit meeting him he was a great guy & we enjoyed our conversation famously having a lot of things in common too. He has pocket listings & said he would send them my way!
I also have had about 3 pocket listings from other agents sent to me but 2 of them didn't work out they were overpriced but I told them to keep me in mind.
IN the meantime I am preparing to order bandit signs to put out to attract buyers like Matt teaches, and these would be speculative buyers which I want badly. Also I made 2 offers today one from one of the pocket listings (so actually it was 4 pocket listings not 3 sent to me) & the other from a listing I saw & I contacted the listing agent directly(which they love since I tell them that they will double end the commission & get the relist)
of course I ran it by my buyers if they would give them the relist & they said yea, at least my main buyers. Great day,tomorrow will be even better. And also going to physical therapy for my knee & elbow pain & feeling better, with massage too. MY foot feels better too since I had a cortisone shot last week thank God! was living with pain, low grade to medium grade miserable pain for years now, done with it!
I AM moving on changing my life!!!! And I owe it all to you Dean/Matt & company! thanks.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
thumbs up bro....
Momentum is still building, making offers should have something soon, calling craigslist ads, doing 25 to 1, calling absentee owners, getting buyers, going to reia's getting more buyers. staying positive, listening to tony robbins & Dean.
Let's keep moving & going no matter what. Not letting anything stop me! time is short, no matter if doesn't work or does, what matters is that Dean's strategies work if you WORK THEM! PERIOD!!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
so nothing since my last deal but am turning things up i kind of had some money problems & health problems not feeling well high blood pressure & my vision but am feeling better eating organic now doing cardio every day for 15 min working my way up to 30 min & then lift weights 3 days a wk-feeling better pressure is down to 140 over 90 was 170 over 100, critical.
so had an assistant put out 25 bandit signs for speculative buyers & he didn't do it exactly right he put them in wrong areas but I still got i think 8 calls today & 7 yesterday & have added cash buyers to my list, spec ones cuz half of these folks are mom n pops who have 500k in the bank & have heard real estate is cool again & want to buy a hm fix it themselves or their fam & sit on it & sell it next spring, funny.
so gonna have this wwekend another 25 put out by another lady (i fired the guy) & she is or seems awesome, she will put these in North County i have central & south covered. man have about 150 buyers now, 100 fix n flip & 50 cashflow buyers or landlord buyers. so feeling well hanging out with my friends especially my friend Bob my neighbor who is a really good musician n we are singing together & learning songs(i love music and sing) one of my goals is to perform at this yrs edge at the firepits outside the conf room when we all relax on sat night or fri night.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Hey Tony, we found Dean and he gave us this site and a new direction and new ways to think. It was great to be with you at the Edge and to hear how your going faster.. Dan in Seattle..
Dan in Seattle..