Alright so my Journal title is based on the variation of a small poem, which has been attributed to several people, Robert, Schuller, Walt Disney, even St. Francis of Assisi. I'm sure most of them quoted the poem, or some version of the poem, but I'm not sure who actually wrote it.
Trust in God.
Believe in Yourself.
Dare to Dream.
Live your dream.
Make a Difference.
With a slight modification, and in no means by way of slighting God this poem can be attributed to the DG philosophy for setting the real estate investing mindset. You just change the first line to Believe in the education.
However, that's not why I'm starting this journal today. Usually, I spend less time posting to any media and trying to work deals. However, I'm finding recently I'm getting frustrated and need to get back to counting my blessings and resetting my mindset.
Recently I left my full-time job and started investing full-time. Now I should be honest and state I left my job, before I nave completed a deal. Not ideal, I know, but I had some money saved up, I'm single with no children so my decision doesn't affect anyone but me. Also please understand that I didn't leave my job because of real estate. I would have left my job on either account, I found that I wasn't passionate about my work there any longer, and I needed a change.
So rather than looking for another job, I just made real estate my full time job, but I understand that I may need more time to become successful I will address my needs when that day arises. However, I truly believe in God and the education, and I'm enjoying myself most days. Also when I announced my decision to my family and friend, I had an overwhelming out-pouring of support. There were a few negative comments, but they came from ignorance or awe, not from malice or jealousy.
Every day I've been doing something to move my business forward, and I'm making progress. I know before the end of the year I will have a deal, although I'd like that deal to happen at the end of the week, so that's the first frustration, impatience. I know I'm still growing and learning, basically crawling, but I want to run.
The second frustration, those people who don't understand. As I said my family and friends have been great for the most part, but the ones who don't understand keep asking me questions. They fully support me, and they want to understand, but since they don't they are trying to fill the gap. Which means a lot of questions for me. I don't mind the questions, and with each answer I realize how much I've learned and it solidifies my confidence as an expert, but it gets tedious at times. Especially when I have my own fears and questions.
Lastly, I'm frustrated by real estate professionals, today it's real estate agents. I've known from all the training and weekly wisdom videos, I would get resistance from real estate agents, buyers, sellers, other investors, etc. Either because they didn't understand or they didn't want to do the work, or they wanted me to be successful, just not more successful than them. I thought I was prepared for it, but today I had a real estate agent who up to this point had been great, she pulled the information I anted and was preparing to make offers for me when everything stopped because I didn't help her understand wholesaling better, and her broker was afraid wholesaling was a form of real estate fraud.
Again on the positive side it shows that we have more knowledge and experience than people who do this everyday as their job. I also know there are people doing this every day in my market, so running against these industry professionals who still don't understand or are shooting us investors down. It make me realize that although there are other people working these strategies, there is plenty of room for everyone. It reminds me of what I heard a pilot instructor say on a video when I was looking into taking flying lessons. He said, "A lot of people are afraid to take lessons because they are afraid of hitting another plane in flight. They are thinking in terms of rush hour on the highway, however if you look at the numbers the opposite is true. On a very busy day say an airport has 1000 flights a day. That's about two flights per minute, in a 24 hour period. Think about you local highway, if you only saw two cars every minute would you consider it busy? You have to pay attention, but the skies aren't crowded."
So I know there are plenty of opportunities out there, but when you get rejected and subtly accused of misconduct when you thought things were going so well it tends to create frustration.
I'm not down on myself or on the business I'm just having a rough week and wanted to go someplace where I could be cheered on. If you've read this far, thank you, but honestly I just needed to work out some of the frustration and rebuild up some positive energy. I'm bad at posting but I'm hoping that by making posting a regular habit it will help me get over these obstacles faster. I promise future posts will be shorter.
Sean Roe
Real Estate Investor
This is an excellent post. It allowed you to pinpoint each of your frustrations and work through them one at a time. You are gifted in recognizing what is bothering you, even specifics. That makes it easier to work through it like you did. I have not posted yet and really am just getting started. I have a few buyers and criteria established and even have some capital to work with, I just need to jump in and DO IT!!
Best of luck to you and I know you will be successful. With the ability to realize your thought processes as well as you do, you will be able to motivate yourself to realize every dream.
I hope to start my journal very soon!
congratulations for being on this site first of all and second this IS the place that you want to be to learn,grow and network with other like minded investors !! we ALL had and still have these days,feelings and UNKNOWNS as you do so dont think its only you brother
) we all are here to see and help each other succeed so i advise to YESSS stay on here and make it a HABIT to post at least something every day !! be it a lesson learned or a question for someone .If you you learned something no matter how small and shared it here ALOT and i mean ALOT of people will read it and not comment but you will help HUNDREDS and not even know it !! you said something about getting back to the basics and getting your MINDSET sharper and that is ABSOLUTELY correct to be doing because this is 95 % of what your success will DEPEND ON !!! keep posting and learning and making offers Sean !!
ps: what have you done for studying ? what books of Deans have you read? success academy ? IE ? just trying to get an idea of where your at ?
good luck Sean !! stay determined STAY PERSISTENT !!
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Your post touched my heart. I got butterflies as I read what you were feeling. Don't be troubled. Keep positive, get a good book from Dean. You will be a success!!!
I've read most of dean's books and I'm part of DGIE. I've even attended the Edge 2012 online, and EDGE 2013 live. The only part I haven't done yet is join the success academy. I also haven't posted much, but people most people I talk to encourage me to share more, so I'm trying to be more mindful of their requests. that being said, I've been networking and following the recipes diligently. I have networked with other DG members. I've been marketing and building my buyers list, and in most areas I've been making progress. Today I just needed to work through a rough obstacle, and the feedback I've gotten so far has just been what I needed.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Sean Roe
Real Estate Investor
We all have moments or days when we feel discouraged or frustrated for one reason or many.
Fortunately there are more times when what we do is rewarding and a BLAST!!
You are taking charge of your life and creating your future. How cool is that????
Remembering that the challenging days provide the contrast so we can appreciate the awesome days even more helps me to snap out of it faster.
Thanks for taking the time to share on the site. It really helps all of us by reminding us that we are all in the same boat. There is so much support here.
You sound like you are the kind of person who takes responsibility and stays positive.
You are doing everything right. Keep doing what you are doing and keep the faith!!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC