I started a short blog, but realized that it may be best for me to start on my journal so I can better focus and become accountable to myself. Wanting to learn this business well and make it my new career has been my goal,yet I may have let the excuse of, "I still don't know enough to get started and need to fill in the gaps before moving forward on a deal" get in my way. Yes, this has all equalled "FEAR". Not anymore! I had already started on some steps by reading "30 days to Real..." and paying other Gurus for their tips, advice, programs, etc. while loosing money in between. The only great tips and advice, programs came from "30 days..." and now the DG websites, along with Carol Stinson's. I was jumping out of my chair in excitement when I was able to buy "The EDGE 2013" recordings. I have been watching them and every single presenter had something I needed to learn, and hear, like Ali - "move the fastest when everything is the slowest" and Jen Gray whose words spoke to me like a true friend pushing me forward "Whatever it takes!..No matter what!..It is possible....Now!!" Well, after having tried for the past six months in my area, I took Andrea's advice and tried out of state investing. Friday night, I called for an FSBO in San Antonio TX. I ran the numbers as I have tried to understand the process to do, and made the offer. After negotiating, the seller has accepted my offer. Though afraid, I'm excited to be moving forward. As Jen Gray said something about, "fear is what now keeps me moving forward".
Congratulations on starting your real estate investment journal. It is an awesome way to keep track of your daily progress and help other DG Members along the way with the knowledge that you continue to gain each day. I am looking forward to hearing about your adventure and good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
We can relate to the fear factor. Stepping forward and also moving into Arkansas for more deals. I noticed you mentioned you may also have sellers there with potential deals. PM for more details about AR please.
J&S Boyd
Two real estate duplex transactions are now opening. Now the ball is rolling.LOL