Raemarie's Journal

Raemarie's Journal

Hi everyone. My name is Rachael. This is my comeback journal. I started on Dean's website a few years back. My dad started first, and got the book Be a Real Estate Millionaire, probably off the same late night infomercials I've been watching and wondering about. He couldn't persue it, and gave me the book and everything with it. I was hooked, but scared. Doing real estate investing was SO out of my realm of comfort that I've started and stopped twice now. Third time is the charm. I'm in it for good now. This will be my record, mostly for myself, of my journey.


about me

I'm a thirty-somthing yr old happily married mother of 3 beautiful girls. My husband is a commercial fisherman that fishes out of local waters. My girls keep me busy, ages 10, 7, and 5. My 7 and 5 yr olds were both born at home. Yes, this was a planned homebirth. It was the best experience of my life, one in which I felt so strong, calm, empowered and so very centered within myself. I often go back to this as a reminder of what I am capable of, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I also have a hearing disability. I guess I'm kinda like a legally blind person that can see,... deaf on paper, but I can hear. Been this way my whole life, never stopped me from most anything. And I do say most as certain jobs are not my forte. Like phone operator, receptionist, the drive thru window person at McD's, and I wouldnt' even go near wall street.
Real estate investing is something I've always been interested in, back even when I only thought it meant just buying small -plexes to rent out. Since entering Dean's world of REI- it is SO much more. Feels like Dorothy's world going from B&W to color. SO many options, too many choices. That's been one of my challenges is just picking ONE path and succeeding at it. Its my MO to run around in circles and do a little of this and little of that and never really accomplish/finish anything. um, We'll come back to that later. ; )

what i've done so far...

this time around anyway. Prior to this I've read, learned, absorbed, and read some more. I've started and stopped. And I realize, REALLY realize deep down, that doing nothing will get me nowhere. I'm still in the same basic place I was when I started, well financially and situationally. Mentally, I'm in a better place. My girls are older, no baby to take care of (*sniff*), they are all in school, well, little one is 1/2 day. I know more, experienced more, have more contacts and made enough mistakes the first time that I'm not afraid as much. Still hard to shake the deep-root fears that I've heard like," you'll lose your house, your shirt, all your money. You'll get sued and lose..(see above), No one is making money right now, more trouble and headache than its worth" and the personal ones, "you can't do that, you can't hear, not organized enough, never finish anything, you can't even balance your checkbook how are you gonna do THIS?? (well, kinda wondering that one too, honestly).
STILL, I'm doing this. I want more out of my life! No, I'm not doing the 7 levels here (though I have done them, really!) So pushing ahead, i've signed up in the Success Academy, have all the books and refer to ALL of them alot, went to my first REI meeting, handed out cards and got some. Added a few REAL cash buyers, that I've met personally, to my list, picking up my bandit signs tmw. (get this, tried to order 25 at local sign shop, they are out and have to order more, they said. They only had enough to cut 20. what?! I'll take it. sheesh) Anyway, they are going up this weekend! Hired and fired (well, went separate ways) with 3 realtors so far. Met with old friend who is realtor, Looks like good possibility. We shall see. Have 2 more for back up to try if that doesn't work out. Put offers on a few properties that turned out to be very very odd deals and politely withdrew. Still looking at places, writing down vacants and rundowns and tracking down stuff at town halls. (ct is messed up, no central county stuff. All properties are recorded at individual town halls. ANY idea what a PIA that is to run them down?? I'm getting good at it though). Sadly (well, not really) I've yet to talk to a seller or really negotiate. So I'm unconsiously avoiding that?? No, it just hasnt' happened yet. Soon...soon...


The fact that you run around in circles doing a little of everything and a whole lot of completing nothing is because of your mind set. You have completed many things. You got married...you completed your time of being single. You completed child birth not once or twice, but THREE times, two of those times were at home....talk about laying fear out on the line at the most crucial and important times in a woman's life. You have no fear if you can do that. You only posess the fear that you TELL yourself you have. There are so many ways to not get caught up in the risks of real estate investing. For one, the offense is only as bad as the law and the contract. You can make your contract say whatever it is that you want it to say (with lawyer approval) there are so many contingencies you can put in there that allow you to legally back out. If they will not accept the contract because of your specific contingencies than that's okay. Just move on to the next. There is so much out there, you can't waste your time on one particual property feeling bad because it didn't work out. You are here to help people. You can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink. They need to get rid of their property and you are their saving grace. Your name sake in the bible is a woman who cries for her children. She prays for their deliverance out of bondage. You are probably very compasionate. Your heart probably stretches in many directions. You hurt when another hurts and possibly cry when another cries. When you are being a midwife doesn't it take gentle hands to deliver, however they must also be firm as to not drop the baby. You bring babies into the world. What greater joy is there in life then to hold new life in your hands. What a miracle you get to see over and over again. Surely you believe in life, if you experience the beginning of one so often. Well, what is life other than existence....what you make it. Where do you want to be? What needs to happen to get from point A to point B. What is holding you back? What moves you forward? Get rid of whatever holds you back and embrace what propells you forward. You need more positive people in your life that's all. You sound like you're all alone trying to convince yourself that this is the right thing. Well you're not alone and it is the right thing and you ARE going to do it. Last time didn't exist and the time before that didn't exist. NOW is what exists. Existing is living. Now = Life. Embrace it. Make it what you need it to be. Good luck and God bless.


Continuing to run around and look at houses, one may be a possibility if I a can get a decent price accepted. Needs LOTS of rehab. Best value is in the 3.8 acres of land to be subdivided. Not finding much off MLS that hasn't been picked over, with good reason. Still, trying to hit a few open houses so I can see what people are doing to houses and what they are looking for. Put up my first few bandit signs this am. More butterflies in my stomach than when I signed my first offer. Went away quickly though, as the phone stays silent. I only put out 5, and they were lousy, i think. i THOUGHT i made the letters big enough when I did it, but driving by you can hardly see it. No big deal, I'll take'em down tonight and toss'em. Learn by doing, right?? Have to pass on this months REI meeting. Husband doesn't want me to go alone, waste gas and time. Its more than an hour away. *sigh* It was a bit of a waste, i was disappointed with the "seminar". The 10 min of networking didnt make it worth going.
On the agenda... Make better signs and put out more places. Make 2 offers this week. Contact and add at least 1 solid buyer to list. and Last...try yellow letter campaign for vacant homes. Check back next week.



So excited! Got calls off my signs. Only put out 5 signs. Experimentally more than anything. 2 sellers and 1 buyer/seller. Both have potential! Thats in only 3 days! Laughing out loud This is the first time I can see this working out for me. I mean REALLY see it.. Before it was hope and maybe and theoretical. Now, I've been infected for real. No cure! Persistence is definately key. If you've ever been told many times that you're a PIA then this is the business for you! : ) The biggest thing is getting out of my own way. I let my fear slow me down. Still fearful, but learning to push through regardless, like Jay says. Still can't believe it actually works. Its too easy.