PLEASE Bump this EVERYDAY to HELP new DG'ers!!!
Just 'reply' at the bottom so it comes back to top.
Go to the bottom of this post on the right and click BOOKMARK - so you can find it later in 'My Bookmarks' located on left in Main Sections.
I invite others to add info & PLEASE post a Reply to 'bump' it up often for new members!!
1.Watch Dean's Weekly Wisdom Video on Home page
2. Save to favorites Dean Graziosi website-you'll be able to quickly return
3. log in, write down your info --then go to 'Whats New' located on left in "Main Sections", this is current topics-active ones will be on right. While on 'recent post',you can find YOUR recent post at the top in 'my recent post'. To find all the post you have participated in ,click your username and then click the 'track' button.
4. to post a question, click on "contribute" on left under Main Sections or you can do so in forums. You can EDIT any of your post by clicking the 'edit' button at the top of post.
5. to fill in your profile info, click YOUR username or My Account and edit- then save info- you can click on others usernames and read their profiles and sign their guestbook
6. Forms/Docs are on left under "student resources" includes contracts etc
7. click around the site on everything and learn the site- read the"Start Here FAQ's" and read Forums, they are catagorized. Deans's List-Special Report and 30 day fast start audio
8. Theres a separate forum for the '30 days quick cash' that you can follow with others that are doing each step and helping each other along the way, here it is:
There has been a few more ppl that has started a 30 day cash thread as well-follow them too!
9. the 'Search Box' under Deans chin can be used, just type in key words and hit enter on your keyboard(magnifying glass dont work)
10. you can 'BOOKMARK' post/articles by clicking the bookmark in the bottom of 1st/original post - then find it later easily by clicking 'My Bookmarks' on left- you can use the "track" button in your profile to see all the topics you have participated in-works on all profiles
11. inbox- this is where you'll find your "PM's"= private messages from other members--you can also PM members using 'send PM', however if you want to send them your email addy, you'll have to spell it out or DG admin edits it.
EX: me at yahoo dot com
12.Get on and use the Monthly Conference Calls,you can listen to replays anytime (on right of page)
Remember to BOOKMARK what you like to find it later or else you'll be asking or spending HOURS looking for it.
CAUTION: This Dean Graziosi site is very addictive and using the strategies and techniques here may result in making you wealthy and changing your life forever!
Read, Read and re-Read. It's all here.
**Tell Dean to put me on the payroll**LOL
Get Dean's Free books, upper right...yeah FREE!
Best Wishes on your REI Journey
PLEASE 'bump' this up OFTEN just click reply in any way to this post to Help ALL the New DG'ers.
Mike Free tools
this is very nice of you...
if I can add a small comment:
before posting a question, check old threads by entering a word in the search box (as Mike pointed out, under Dean's chin).
Mike Free tools
Great info. Thanks
Thank you Mike I have learned and am learning every second by reading your's and everyone else post, so thank you very much Mike
you have been a big help and can learn so much more by reading your post. 
This helps, but oh my! There is so much to see! So much to do! And yes!! So addictive! I need to start making a list of questions to make from comments and comments to go back to, that answered a question you didn't even know you had until someone made a comment on it.
bump up to top
Mike Free tools
bumping up
Mike Free tools
for new DG'ers
Mike Free tools
Very helpful even for those of us using the site!
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
top again
Mike Free tools
bump bump
Mike Free tools
bumping this up
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Wow, it took me a long time to figure out lots of the stuff in here, so I hope new people will take advantage of this thread!
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here:
Mike Free tools
to top
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Just click reply and this will rise to TOP of post
Mike Free tools
one thing i would like to add
3) >>> NO HIJACKING TOPICS:<<< All comments you make in reply to a forum post or story must be directly related to the original forum topic or story. When you post a question or comment that is off-topic, it is called "Thread Hijacking". Thread hijacking causes confusion, disorganization and can be somewhat annoying to users when they have to sift through a lot of unrelated replies to find the ones that relate to the topic they originally wanted to read.
Find an appropriate topic to post your question/comment in, or create a new topic for your question/comment. An example of this would be:
In a topic called "What is a short sale?", people are all talking about short sales in it, but you add a reply that says "I have bad credit, how do I buy a house with bad credit?". Since that has nothing or little to do with the original message on "short sales", and is inappropriate. You will be warned for thread hijacking. If you are a prevalent hijacker, even after lots of warnings, we will have to disable your ability to post replies to topics or stories.
READ and Follow Website RULES on left
Mike Free tools
Walt you are correct stay on topic I am guilty of this and will work on it..
Thank you for the reminder.
3) >>> NO HIJACKING TOPICS:<<< All comments you make in reply to a forum post or story must be directly related to the original forum topic or story. When you post a question or comment that is off-topic, it is called "Thread Hijacking". Thread hijacking causes confusion, disorganization and can be somewhat annoying to users when they have to sift through a lot of unrelated replies to find the ones that relate to the topic they originally wanted to read.
Find an appropriate topic to post your question/comment in, or create a new topic for your question/comment. An example of this would be:
In a topic called "What is a short sale?", people are all talking about short sales in it, but you add a reply that says "I have bad credit, how do I buy a house with bad credit?". Since that has nothing or little to do with the original message on "short sales", and is inappropriate. You will be warned for thread hijacking. If you are a prevalent hijacker, even after lots of warnings, we will have to disable your ability to post replies to topics or stories.
3) >>> NO HIJACKING TOPICS:<<< All comments you make in reply to a forum post or story must be directly related to the original forum topic or story. When you post a question or comment that is off-topic, it is called "Thread Hijacking". Thread hijacking causes confusion, disorganization and can be somewhat annoying to users when they have to sift through a lot of unrelated replies to find the ones that relate to the topic they originally wanted to read.
Find an appropriate topic to post your question/comment in, or create a new topic for your question/comment. An example of this would be:
In a topic called "What is a short sale?", people are all talking about short sales in it, but you add a reply that says "I have bad credit, how do I buy a house with bad credit?". Since that has nothing or little to do with the original message on "short sales", and is inappropriate. You will be warned for thread hijacking. If you are a prevalent hijacker, even after lots of warnings, we will have to disable your ability to post replies to topics or stories.
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools
Mike Free tools