Craigslist is a great “Free” classified website to not only buy and sell, connect with buyers and sellers but also to connect with real estate agents. Calling on ads from any source can be nerve racking and sometimes we feel that we are put “on the spot”. We need to be prepared to ask the right questions and be able to answer questions. The following is an example of how your conversation with an agent may go. Outlining and running through an example of questions that you can ask or that an agent will possibly ask you will hopefully help prepare you for the call.
Craigslist Real Estate Agent Lead – Qualifying Call
•Hello, is this______________________________? My name is____________________ and I am a cash buyer real estate investor who is new to this area.
•I saw your ad on craigslist. It looks like you work with real estate investors. Is this correct? (If no, thank them for their time and excuse yourself from the call)
•(If yes, then continue with this) Do most of your investors buy rental property or buy, fix & sell? (If only rentals, you might consider thanking them for their time and excusing yourself from conversation, it depends if buyers list needs rentals or flips)
•(If mix of both or buy fix & sell then continue)Great to hear! Where do you see most of your investors focusing their buying efforts? (location)
•What is the average price range in this area? What are the average days on market in these areas?
•Would you be able to get around $15k - $25K profit on your flips after costs and repairs?
•I am looking for a few things….I prefer SFR’s, entry level houses, 3bed or more, 1bath in areas where I can buy and sell them for $15K-$25K profit
•Since, I am new to this area, I am relying on you to help with the pinpointing of the areas that have the most potential for flipping properties. Where do you think the best areas are right now for that?
•Some search criteria that I have found beneficial to look for would be properties that are listed as vacant, as-is, TLC needed, bank owned, estate or probate properties. It would be great, If we could focus on properties that have multiple price reductions or have been sitting on the market for longer than the average days on market. I am open to properties that are new to the market that you see are great deals too.
•Please know, I am not afraid of repairs, so I am interested in seeing those “diamonds in the rough” too.
•When would you be able to send some listings over to me? Oh and could you send me over the version of the listing that includes the DOM, CDOM, agent remarks or comments, and the financing available for the property? It will help me narrow down the list of properties that much faster.
•My email address is _________________________. I look forward to seeing those listings. I will get back to you with the ones that are the most appealing or interest to me and we can go from there.
•When might you be available this week to go see some of these properties?
•Excellent, well it was great to meet you and thank you for your time. We will talk soon.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
lead to a closing or is this something you created to help others get started???
Just asking because I and several of my colleagues generally get long intro letters like this and typically, in my experience, its a red flag.
A red flag for people who either have no idea what they are doing or are fishing for anything to try and flip to others.
If this has done you or others success, fair enough, but I would recommend you keep it smaller and not try and get everything out before you meet.
Hope it helps.