I had a guy Email for last week and he has a property in Costa Rica..I posted the property here for everyone see..Well Today he was asking me If I could help sell it sense Im a Investor I should be able to help..I would I appoarch something like this..He has to sell it cuz he is getting a divorce and he said he owns it free and clear but his X-wife has to agree on the sale





I do have Picture and what he is asking and what in started out asking and what he bottom $ is

AD from CL

Live in a green, lush canopy of guarumo, gallinazo and guapinol trees in a world of fresh air, soft rain and springlike temperatures year round.

Divorce is forcing me to sell my 36 acre paradise overlooking the Pacific at the base of the mysterious Cerro Nara cloud forest range. At the top of the property is a 3500 square foot new modern home designed to blend with the rain forest canopy. View decks and view windows allow you to observe nature unobtrusively. If you can work at home, you can live here. There are new US appliances, fast internet and satellite TV.

This is the best of both worlds.

Also included: smaller caretaker/guest house, private road, gated entrance, tools, appliances, furniture, backup generator and 2005 Mitsubishi 4wd pickup truck.




The problem with

property in Costa Rica is that in order to buy it you have to be a citizen or have a company that has a citizen as it's president. This means that you either have to know and trust someone down there or you really have no deal. This is how it was last year, i had a friend that went through all this when he bought a property down there.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc



Well how does people buy Vacation homes.They are'nt a citizen they are just visiting

Costa Rica Property

You need to be careful getting involved with out of the country situations. I know Don Burnham was pushing Costa Rica properties a few years back but I believe he had a company there first.
I've had my own experiences dealing with foreign governments and I can tell you that they can be sneaky.
My advice is to call the Costa Rican consulate either in Miami or in Washington and get the info you need about buying and selling property there before you move forward.
I dealt with the Costa Rican Government when I was in the tropical fish business and there were always hiccups to what was supposed to be an easy transaction.
I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying talk DIRECTLY to the authority first. Not to the seller.

Hope this helps,

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS


Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud