I am so excited to be here amongst such great people - and I am getting some great help - so thanks all - I still have a couple things I need to get clear to make sure I am starting off right - so would appreciate more comments.
I have read and heard about advertising for both buyers and sellers on sites such as Craigs list and I guess it is also possible to build a team by finding the right people on the internet too.
I understand some of you are buying and selling properties outside your own area - so does that mean it is possible to do the whole thing from outside the US - do you get someone else in the to team check out the properties physically for example.
This is crucial info for me since I am outside the USA and would not be able to visit properties myself.
If I have this right and it is possible to do - are there any specific areas of the US I should or shouldnt start looking
Thanks again
Anne, great questions!
First, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to do it outside of the USA, but I could imagine it's going to be a little bit harder to get started. Once you have your power team in play (and with truly qualified people) it should be a breeze from there on.
Find a Realtor (or anyone else, maybe even a Bird Dog) that is willing to walk through the house for you and to check for damage, and to take good pictures of anything you need to see. Remember, don't pay them until you close on the deal! There are plenty of people out there willing to work for free until closing.
And if for some strange reason your lack of citizenship gets in the way (assuming you aren't a citizen), you can always partner with people who are citizens to where the property would be in their name, and you would split the profits in whatever ratio you agreed upon. NOTE: I'm not sure what the laws are, so I'm not saying you WILL run into this problem, I am just solving the potential problem ahead of time for you This is something a Real Estate Attorney could answer for you.
As for specific parts of the US, as Dean teaches, any area can work. If I were you, I would start paying attention to where other people are making money the fastest. From what I've seen, California, Arizona, Florida are the hardest hit from the crash, but people are also making money in the Midwest and New England area. Wherever you land, if you are looking to become a bird dogger in that area for my team, shoot me over a PM and we can get some deals in the works
The most important part of any of this is to take action take action take action! Best of luck to you! You sound like you're gonna go far
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
Thanks for a fantastic response Dominic - that's really helpful and really encouraging.
I am getting started right now - learning as I go along.
And thanks for the offer too - I will certainly take a look at doing that - its great to have some support in getting started.
I just discovered I need a US or Canadian phone number to advertise on Craigs list - they use it to verify the account - anyone got round that one yet
Meantime will move on to other strategies that don't involve putting ads on Craigs list
I have JUST the solution for you
Go to www.google.com/voice and sign up! It's free to make calls from within the US, so it won't be free for you to make calls or get them. But I'm pretty sure the voicemail system is free still. Try doing some research before you get it though, we have it and it's free for us, but we live in the US.
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
Hi Anne!
Welcome to the DG Family and I wish you all the best on your Real Estate ventures! If you go to www.deansmedia.com (which is where you are directed if you go to the top of Dean's website here and click on "success stories"), watch the video titled: "Vijay talks about his favorite techniques" I believe you'll be inspired! Vijay lives in Canada and invests in the U.S. remotely. He is not a U.S. citizen so what he says should apply to your situation! I just watched his video recently found it to be interesting to hear how he does it!
Help feed the hungry - www.freerice.com
This is true for RE..."The best way to learn this business is to do this business." - John Addision, co-chief executive officer, Primerica
Aerialist's Journal - Because Life Is a Circus
Thanks so much for directing me to that video Nancy - I hadn't found that section of the website yet - still exploring and finding more - so I will go watch the video right now. I have already got started with a lot of the strategies - so will soon find out how it works - and more encouragement and tips is just what I need - so thanks a million
thanks for the tip Dominic - I will certainly look into that possibility. so far I have been using other strategies to build my buyers list - however it will certainly be useful to have access to advertize on craigs list at some stage. I am sure I will be able to use a friends number if necessary to get the account verified - hadn't thought of that before.