I am glad to see so many new names on here, But I think its about time to get honest, I see a lot of people that is not satisfied with Deans program. I sometimes wonder what people except. He gives you the tools to work with, even coaches; Plus and on site mentor. and yes it does cost. And yes I have mentor some at a charge and some none, But I owe my success to Dean and his staff. The one thing I did was take the tools given to me and ran with them. was it easy NO. I had no credit and just filed bankruptcy. It took time to get started and a lot of hours. But I have done over 50 deals. Think about this for a minute. If i brought you a shovel, and gave you all the directions on how to use it. are lets say I come to your house and show you how to use it. but the next day you left it outside do you think it would dig a hole by itself. I think not. But human nature is its to hot today. Its raining today. I need to go to the lake today, I have to work today. I don't feel good today. Man now the grass is grow up around the shovel and I want my money back. Same thing with REI, If you don;t work it ti won't work. So if want to succeed take action. their is no town to small are to big if you want it. Take Dean's plan and put it into action. and please forget about fear and what other people say




One more thing

One thing you must remember, everyone on here is not honest, But most are. So for me I want to run with the winners.




IF You really want to succeed

Please go for it, Spend the last dime you have to join the success academy, But if you do this have your spouse behind you; And do what the coaches say' Trust them. they do this because they have done it themselves, It want be easy from the start, but in the end everyone will be asking how did you do it. I am one of Dean's successfully students that you don't here much about. and that's OK. I will never lie to no one.




Amen Randy ! lol

Amen Randy ! lol


No Grind No Shine

My Two Cents:

Randy, I will join you in adding my piece to the pie. Dean's Program is the Best. I started trying to do REI since 2001 I bought $KKKK on courses, Booth Camps, Workshops you name it to dead ends.the old saying goes, You can take the horse to the pond but you cannot force him to drink the water. Do you know what the nature of some people are "complains, Excuses all the time. I will also say nothing comes easy, but perseverance is one key to success. Just Do IT. Do not condemn. The time one take to criticize, they can use that time to research for their own benefit.I personally think Dean did more than enough for us to succeed.

I luv It

Thanks for all the positive feedback. If this was so easy Dean would not be doing what he is doing.Don't get me wrong ,it is easy if you are willing to do the work, If you want something for free you are on the wrong site,But then again if you want to take care of your family, this is were you need to be. If you are willing to put in the footwork I am here to help'




Deans Great... and Randy - If I may ask please?

Thanks Randy!

Deans Great! Deans' helped me a lot! It took me a while to read Deans book -'Totally Fullfilled'..it was a powerful and changing book for me. I think Totally Fufilled - should be taught in schools - right along with Math, English and Science. lol

Randy - may I ask please, how is it that you found your first deal 600 miles away? How did funding for your first deal come together? How did your buyers list come together?
You may have a blog or this information already posted if you have a link to that? I think you shared that you'd joined the Success Academy and when you started to call on them - that's when things took off for you?

I joined the success academy on the 17th.Yay!!! I'm amazed with it all and my brain is wrapping itself around the information. Though no deal yet - I feel more comfortable each morning when I wake and find that I get more and more excited every day!

I am working on building a buyers list and am terrified to make contact...I feel so silly about it too - frozen in fear and for no reason.I Will do it! Dean is more than encouraging and the tools are there.

Thank you again Randy, you've been more then encouraging!

Mary E. Laughing out loud

tell it like it is!

love people that don't try and candy coat the truth! thank you!

You know as well as I do, some people just like to complain and spill negativity! Looking to blame everyone and just anyone for why they can't do it or why their life is like it is!

Yeah, Success Academy has it's cost, the books, EDGE events/home courses, add'l tools, SFL System....all come with their own cost. Each of us make the decision to do what we do! Bottom line is...we do what we choose to! Just depends on what you think you & your future is worth! For me personally....PAID THE COST OF ALL, SO I DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE! Of being locked into the 40/40 plan (40 hrs. wk for 40 yrs.) barely getting by to retire only to have to rehire! How does that sound like a better option? LOL Smiling

All about choices, temporary sacrifices, no excuses, discipline and the attitude!

So thank you Randy for stepping up, just getting the job done! Being the example that anyone of us can learn from! Exp. us newbies!!!

Many blessing and continued success to you and your family!!!


I guess I just tried of the bull S---, I was given the the tools and i ran with it. And yes it did take me 9 months, That doesen;t mean a person can not close a deal in 30 days. i am in it for the long tun.


