joined success academy and I'm scared

joined success academy and I'm scared

Hey whats DG family here's my situation I just signed up for the success academy last thursday. While I'm happy and excited to do it,I'm sacred because money is tight and I dont want to go into debt when I'm sup-
posed to be creating wealth. I'm using money I don't really have and that worries me, I want this so bad that I can taste it, but money in this case is the issue. I'm torn and really need some insight from
the DG family somebody talk to me please... HELP!

young Money

Peace, Love
& Live Life Cool


young Money$

Learn,....learn,....and more learn

In addition to what you learn from the SA, do on your own as well

Won't be easy, but if money is tight and you have to make it work, then you will make it work

Just get started. It really is that simple!

If you have ever watched The Dog Whisperer, you will hear Cesar say over and over: The only way to get the dog to change bad behavior or fear is to make him encounter it and make corrections until the dog learns. I thought about this the other day and I want you to know that although I have been encountering new people all my life in my careers, it scares me to think of going out there and doing it. I decided that if I am going to overcome that (as I have in the past), I need to just do it and the fears will dissipate. I have been unemployed since March of 2009 and getting by with little money and I am trying to avoid a foreclosure. God wants us to succeed in every dream he has instilled in us and he has already prepared the blessings to see you through. You just have to do it. I think all of us are or have been in your position and really anxious about whether we can do it. There is a way for you too. Confront your fears and just get started. Whatever you experience along the way you will succeed. Just do it. Check out the member journals and see how others have been there before. Although there are so many really good journals, CBrindamour's journal is a really good one for me. He explains how he feels and all the steps he is and has taken. If you need you can always send him a PM (private message). Understand that he has been at this since Nov of 2009 and his journal is a long one and you may spend hours getting through all of his entries, but it is really worth it.

Let me know how you are doing and I will try to keep up with your progress. I am experiencing the same money fears as you, but I am determined to see it through and you can too.

Go to member journals and read the first post by DGAdmin and then start your journal there.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Success comes with a price

Success does come with a price, it could be the price of education, whether it's the SC, college, trade school or just plain experience. Knowledge
is power, & with the real estate tools you'll learn you can determine just how far you will go. Success takes personal sacrifice also ... you will only get out what you put in. You have to be comfortable with your own decisions. Remember if success was easy, everyone would have it. Good Luck on whichever path you choose.


False Evidence Appearing Real. It's been said by the greatest teacher (Jesus) that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Now what is he stealing? your dream, what is he killing? your future, what is he destroying? your destiny. Fear start in the mind and the image/picture gets bigger and bigger until their nothing left. Stop over thinking and go with heart. Look inward at your heart because it never lies. Truth is you can do this, focus on what you have , not what lacking- that's temporary. We're always hardest on ourselves. When any of us step out to make change IMMEDIATELY the dream killer is there. Remember the dream steal has many forms; family, frends,associates that don't understand; doesn't make them bad people just people who don't understand; so what do you do? Love them, forgive them and continue on. THEIR MORE FOR YOU THAN AGAINST YOU. Know that HE has your back. If this wasn't for you,you wouldn't be here. NOTHING IS BY ACCIDENT. Walk in your destiny.