I Joined the Success Academy

I Joined the Success Academy

My previous business adventures have all been a success and I know this one will be too. I joined the academy to boost my success rate. I figure if I am working with 17 success academy coaches how could I go wrong. I have the motivation and the determination to make this work. All I need from the academy is the expertise and direction. What a heck of a combonation this will make! 20K profit is 3 months is the goal!


Great Job

I to did use the sucess acamandy. It still took me 9 months to close my first deal, But then it only took 10 months to do over 20. The coaches at the success acamandy are great if you use them. I wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted on how it goes.





I agree with Randy also. You have made a wise decision to join the academy. You also might want to consider joining a Real Estate Investment club to network with investors just like you. It will be worth your time. Good luck on your future deals...Jan