I ran a serch and nothing came up My question is this If I am selling my property To a person whom do they make out the ernest money check to The tittle company or myself.
I ran a serch and nothing came up My question is this If I am selling my property To a person whom do they make out the ernest money check to The tittle company or myself.
Usually the title company can act as an escrow agent and escrow the funds similar to a real estate broker. Check with your title company and they should be able to offer this service at a nominal fee. This way the transaction stays at "arm's length" for all parties involved. Most banks would also prefer to see it this way if the buyer is getting financing too. Thus, if this is the case they can make out the earnest check accordingly. I hope this helps. Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Thats what I thought but thought I should check.